I picked these 3 kittens off the road near dumpsters a week ago. I have been taking care of them since. Washed, de-flee de-worm. They do spend a lot of time together in an isolated room as per the vet's recommendation. Adopting all 3 together would be nice because they seem to like each other a lot. But if you prefer to adopt just one that is fine too.
Athena is a female. She has beautiful brown pattern over white and beautiful gray/blue eyes. She is very healthy and friendly and she loves to massage cushions.
Venus is a female. She is fully brown with lines patterns of black and light brown and beautiful brown/gray eyes. She is very healthy and very friendly. She loves head scratches a lot.
[ADOPTED] Icarus is a male. He is fully white with a funny dark pattern on the head and tail. He is shy but gets used to the environment easily because he's favourite thing is to go exploring.