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   « Back To Listing Fishy
Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat
CatDomestic Medium Hair
ProfileMale, 4 Years 1 Month
ConditionMinor Injury
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorBrown, Cream, White
LocationKajang, Selangor
Posted18 Mar 2021 (Updated 21 Mar 2021)
Adoption FeeFREE
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Fishy got his name because my husband found him on 12 March 2021 at a kopitiam while eating, well, fish and chips. He was going from table to table, begging for scraps. He had scabies, fleas and was malnourished.

As of 18 March 2021, he is perhaps about a month old. Fishy is quick on his feet and very playful. He is loud and calls for me when I get home from work. But when I am in the same room as him, he is happy to play independently on his own while being near me. All he needs is for you to be nearby. When he is tired, he likes to rest/sleep on my lap and purr.

Fishy is being weaned to wet food and kibbles now, both of which he is eating. He is being litter box trained as well, and is taking well to it. I clean his paws and bum after each 'do'. After his skin has recovered from scabies, I will allow him to roam my house and socialise with my dog, who loves cats. Through a glass barrier, they have gotten to know each other and are definitely curious about each other. If things go well, this will be a dog-cat (welcome, The Dodo videos! :))

Fishy is getting weekly vet visits now. So far, he has received deworm meds, deflea and one scabies injection. His skin has recovered so much with just one treatment. Will get him vaccinated when he is of a healthier weight.

Right now, I am looking for potential adopters who have a kitten as well for a playmate and are willing to give this boy the good home he deserves. A deposit will be collected to ensure he is NEUTERED, which WILL be returned in exchange for proof that he has been neutered. He must be brought for regular vet visits and kept indoors.

Fishy is NOT ready to be adopted yet as he still needs his scabies treatments and vaccinations. I will provide the adopter with some of his things for easier acclimation eg his fav mouse toy, blanket and some food together with his vaccination card.
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Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Fishy - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

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