Perhaps my ark sailed away, but I am still waiting on shore for a God sent loving master for a good sail.
Hi, I am Noah. I about to be 7 month’s old. I grew up in the wild (mostly bushes) until one unfortunate day, a traumatic event that fractured one of my legs. I am so glad, and a blessed soul persistently made an effort to capture me and sent me to a veterinary hospital. Over a month, I was able to recover well and feel so good to sprint now.
Well, not to brag, people say I am cute, friendly and good to kids. I lived harmoniously with nature that all my nature calls must be done outdoors (must be grassy areas). Probably I took it literally; Do not Crap where you Eat. While most of you are waiting for your vaccines, I have almost done with mine, along with deworming and tick free too.
To ensure the sustainability of my species, I am about to sacrifice my sex life, as I am about to get neutered soon. Unfortunately, I cannot be vegetarian to support sustainability—Rice with wet meat has been my staple food. I love bones, I mean real bones.
I am an Alphaville fan indeed. Forever young my favourite. Thus, I would be happiest if I could live with a master that let me play and sprint freely in a sizeable space, and I would cheer him/her all day long.
For more information, feel free to contact my agent Mr Kevin