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Mega And Kittens - Tortoiseshell + Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatTortoiseshell + Domestic Short Hair
ProfileMixed Gender, 16 Years 1 Month
Amount3 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, White
LocationKuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Posted3 Mar 2010 (Updated 19 Apr 2017)
Adoption FeeFREE
The mother cat, Mega, came to my hostel block about 2 months ago and on the 27th of January 2010, she delivered her four kittens here. Mega is a loving mother and her kittens are so adorable, playful and active.

Unfortunately, since the place where I'm currently studying has a nonsensical rule stating that keeping or even feeding cats is an offense, the hostel management has given me a harsh warning that Mega and her four kittens will be taken away and relocated to an unknown place (according to the gardener, they will be taken to the zoo negara)if I can't find anybody who will adopt them within two weeks. Therefore, Mega and the children need a fosterer and to be adopted URGENTLY. Please...

Mega is still very very attached to her four kittens and the kittens are still depending on their mother for milk @ breastfeeding. Therefore, I really really hope that I could find a fosterer who are willing to adopt all five of them together as one family. Later, once Mega is not so attached to the children anymore, then the fosterer could separate them or give them away to other adopters if he or she wish to do so.

Mega is a tortoiseshell-white adult female cat. Details of her kittens:

1;Ivan-She (Orange-white, female, named after a character in a Russian film, Ivan cause she's active).

2; Kimba (White-with-small black spots , male and looks like the cartoon character Kimba The White Lion:).

3; Doo Joon (Black-stripes , male, named after a Korean singer).

4; Yang Yo (Tortoiseshell-calico, female, also named after a Korean singer)

I really really hope that Mega and her children will be adopted by any kind soul or family out there, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE because the hostel management inconsiderately gives me ONLY TWO WEEKS before Mega and the kittens will be taken away. Please....please...please....T.Q

UPDATES! - Wednesday/6.04PM

Two kind people, Mr Karl and Mr Amir have kindly agreed to take in two of the kittens. InsyaAllah..

Yang Yo - to be adopted by Mr Karl
Doo Joon - to be adopted by Mr Imran

Thank you for lighten my worries:)

Now, there are three left; Mummy Mega, Ivan-She and Kimba. Since there are only three members of the family left, I really really really hope that somebody out there will be kind enough to adopt all three of them together as one family i.e without separating them from each other... Please..

Mega is a very nice and loving cat. She is a protective mother and a very gentle cat. Both Kimba and Ivan-She love to play with their mother and I'm sure that they will be really really glad and thankful if somebody could adopt all three of them together and will not separate the love and bonding that they share:) Tq.


I received a phone call from Dora who would like to adopt Kimba and Ivan together. But Dora doesn't want to take Mega together. I understand her concern that she doesn't want to take Mega together because Mega may not be so familiar with Dora. I tried to persuade Dora to take in all three together so that Mega will not be separated from her two children, tried telling her that Mega can get along well with people but Dora hesitated. But its okay, I do understand her condition.

Yet the thing is this.. Truthfully, I really really really dont have the heart to separate Mega and her two kittens. She is a first time mother and she is so concern about the children so much that she guards her night and day. She has even turned out to be a bit thin because she was so worried of her kittens. She is a protective mother and she knew that her children are in some sort of danger this morning (the morning when the gardener tried to capture the cats), that's why last night, she tried to move her kittens to a different floor.

However, if nothing else can be done and if Mega has to be separated from the children, I then hope that someone or any good soul out there could take her in, adopt her, give her the love that she will miss and replace her lost with pure attention and care... Please..anybody would like to adopt Mega....?

UPDATES- Wednesday/9.15

Miss Harlina called me and she said that she would love to take the two kittens (Kimba & Ivan). She doesn't mind taking Mega with her but her preference would be just the two kittens.

This means, I'm still searching for anybody who would like to adopt either Mega+two kittens Or Mega alone. Please....

p.s: My parents live in Ipoh, Perak. They'll be coming down to KL this weekend. So if anybody from Ipoh, Perak who would like to adopt Mega+two kittens Or Mega alone could also contact me. I could pass them to you through my parents, insyaAllah. TQ.

UPDATES - Thursday/8.44am

Selamat pagi semua! Saya masih mencari sesiapa yang mahukan tiga kucing sekali (Mega+Kimba+Ivan)ataupun Mega shj.

I'm still seeking anybody out there who would like to adopt either all three together (Mega+Kimba+Ivan) or Mega alone. If you adopt all three, you can neuter Mega if you don't want her to deliver more babies. At least she has two children to share her love with. This is the thing about me, I'm a catlover who's abit concern about the instinct of a mother cat and the bonding between the mother and the kittens.

Saya ni ialah penggemar kucing yang agak mengambil berat sikit faktor "instinct of a mother cat" ni sebab saya masih teringatkan kisah ini. Saya rasa tak sampai hati nak pisahkan Mega dari anak-anaknya terutama sekali bila ini adalah batch anaknya yang pertama. Walaupun kucing lama-lama akan lupakan anak, tapi saya juga tahu yang kucing akan masih ada natural bonding tersendiri kalau mereka dari keluarga atau ibu yang sama. Itu sebab selalunya, bila saya nak adopt mak kucing, saya akan ambil anaknya sekali. Ini akan melahirkan environment yang lebih sihat untuk anak kucing dan ibu kucing, dan suasana yang lebih meriah dalam keluarga.

Jadi, saya harap, ada yang sudi nak ambil Mega+Kimba+Ivan (tiga sekali) atau kalau tak dapat juga tiga sekali, Mega sahaja pun takpelah..

Ciri-ciri Mega+Kimba+Ivan:

-has not probably reached 1 year old cause this is her first time being a mother.
-a tortoiseshell-white cat. Warna dan corak bulunya unik dan tersusun sangat cantik. The patterns and the color of her fur are unique.
-a very concern mother. Ibu yang sangat menagmbil berat akan anak-anaknya. Sanggup tak makan asalkan anak makan.
-a well-behaved or sopan santun cat.

-1 month ++
-very active and really really like to play or "wrestle" with their mother. Sangat suka main dengan ibu diorg, terutama sekali suka main kejar ekor ibu diorg dan main "gusti";)
-dua-dua ekor sangat comel dan unik. Both are cute and unique.

Oleh itu, ada tak sesiapa yang baik hati di luar sana nak adopt mereka bertiga? InsyaAllah they can be good housecats. Please...

UPDATES! - Thursday/1.20pm

Alhamdulillah..Praise be to God..I have finally managed to find kind people to adopt the whole family:)InsyaAllah..

Mega - will be adopted by Mr Amir, who has also "booked" Doo Joon. So, Doo Joon will be with Mega, the loving mother:) Alhamdulillah. Mega may not have the chance to be together with all four of her kittens, but at least she has Doo Joon to pour her love and attention:) and at least the other three kittens will be taken under the caring and guardian of other good-hearted fosterers:)

Kimba & Ivan-She - several people smsed and called me asking if they could just adopt only the two of them without the mother or either just one of them. But, since Mega will be adopted by Mr Amir, therefore, Kimba & Ivan-She can be adopted together. And since according to the people in the waiting list or queue, Miss Dora was the one who called me first, therefore I believe it is appropriate for me to agree to give away Kimba together with Ivan-She, to Miss Dora.

To the rest of the kind-hearted people who smsed me or called me after Ms Dora,or who didn't manage to adopt either of the kittens, I'm so sorry... But I believe, this means that you are meant to share your love with other cats out there who are always waiting to be loved and taken care of by kind souls like you guys:)

Alhamdulillah..Everything went well.:)

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Mummy Mega
Mummy Mega

we are cute and we promise that we will behave
we are cute and we promise that we will behave

Yang Yo said-Please adopt us because
Yang Yo said-Please adopt us because

Doo Joon said-Please adopt us
Doo Joon said-Please adopt us

Kimba said- Please adopt us
Kimba said- Please adopt us

Kimba showing of his black dot.
Kimba showing of his black dot.

we are cute, well-behaved and adorable
we are cute, well-behaved and adorable

Mummy Mega resting with children
Mummy Mega resting with children

Mummy Mega said- Please adopt us
Mummy Mega said- Please adopt us

Ivan-She said- Please adopt us
Ivan-She said- Please adopt us

Doo Joon resting after playing
Doo Joon resting after playing

Mega is a tortoiseshell-white cat with beautiful patterns of fur
Mega is a tortoiseshell-white cat with beautiful patterns of fur

Ivan-She playfully looking at her own shadow
Ivan-She playfully looking at her own shadow

Doo Joon
Doo Joon

Yang Yo
Yang Yo

Kimba, the white kitten
Kimba, the white kitten

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The Kittens
The Kittens

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Share your comments here14 Comments
3388m   Mar 3rd 2010 at 2:32PM
kimba is so cute
FaraSyuhada   Mar 3rd 2010 at 5:22PM
He is one adorable kitten:)
UPDATES! - Wednesday/6.04PM

Two kind people, Mr Karl and Mr Amir have kindly agreed to take in two of the kittens. InsyaAllah..

Yang Yo - to be adopted by Mr Karl
Doo Joon - to be adopted by Mr Amir

Thank you for lighten my worries:)

Now, there are three left; Mummy Mega, Ivan-She and Kimba. Since there are only three members of the family left, I really really really hope that somebody out there will be kind enough to adopt all three of them together as one family i.e without separating them from each other... Please..

Mega is a very nice and loving cat. She is a protective mother and a very gentle cat. Both Kimba and Ivan-She love to play with their mother and I'm sure that they will be really really glad and thankful if somebody could adopt all three of them together and will not separate the love and bonding that they share:) Tq.

I received a phone call from Dora who would like to adopt Kimba and Ivan together. But Dora doesn't want to take Mega together. I understand her concern that she doesn't want to take Mega together because Mega may not be so familiar with Dora. I tried to persuade Dora to take in all three together so that Mega will not be separated from her two children, tried telling her that Mega can get along well with people but Dora hesitated. But its okay, I do understand her condition.

Yet the thing is this.. Truthfully, I really really really dont have the heart to separate Mega and her two kittens. She is a first time mother and she is so concern about the children so much that she guards her night and day. She has even turned out to be a bit thin because she was so worried of her kittens. She is a protective mother and she knew that her children are in some sort of danger this morning (the morning when the gardener tried to capture the cats), that's why last night, she tried to move her kittens to a different floor.

However, if nothing else can be done and if Mega has to be separated from the children, I then hope that someone or any good soul out there could take her in, adopt her, give her the love that she will miss and replace her lost with pure attention and care... Please..anybody would like to adopt Mega....?
UPDATES- Wednesday/9.15

Miss Harlina called me and she said that she would love to take the two kittens (Kimba & Ivan). She doesn't mind taking Mega with her but her preference would be just the two kittens.

This means, I'm still searching for anybody who would like to adopt either Mega+two kittens Or Mega alone. Please....

p.s: My parents live in Ipoh, Perak. They'll be coming down to KL this weekend. So if anybody from Ipoh, Perak who would like to adopt Mega+two kittens Or Mega alone could also contact me. I could pass them to you through my parents, insyaAllah. TQ.
Selamat pagi semua! Saya masih mencari sesiapa yang mahukan tiga kucing sekali (Mega+Kimba+Ivan)ataupun Mega shj.

(UPDATES - Thursday/8.45am)

I'm still seeking anybody out there who would like to adopt either all three together (Mega+Kimba+Ivan) or Mega alone. If you adopt all three, you can neuter Mega if you don't want her to deliver more babies. At least she has two children to share her love with. This is the thing about me, I'm a catlover who's abit concern about the instinct of a mother cat and the bonding between the mother and the kittens.

Saya ni ialah penggemar kucing yang agak mengambil berat sikit faktor "instinct of a mother cat" ni. Saya rasa tak sampai hati nak pisahkan Mega dari anak-anaknya terutama sekali bila ini adalah batch anaknya yang pertama. Walaupun kucing lama-lama akan lupakan anak, tapi saya juga tahu yang kucing akan masih ada natural bonding tersendiri kalau mereka dari keluarga atau ibu yang sama. Itu sebab selalunya, bila saya nak adopt mak kucing, saya akan ambil anaknya sekali. Ini akan melahirkan environment yang lebih sihat untuk anak kucing dan ibu kucing, dan suasana yang lebih meriah dalam keluarga.

Jadi, saya harap, ada yang sudi nak ambil Mega+Kimba+Ivan (tiga sekali) atau kalau tak dapat juga tiga sekali, Mega sahaja pun takpelah..

Ciri-ciri Mega+Kimba+Ivan:

-has not probably reached 1 year old cause this is her first time being a mother.
-a tortoiseshell-white cat. Warna dan corak bulunya unik dan tersusun sangat cantik. The patterns and the color of her fur are unique.
-a very concern mother. Ibu yang sangat menagmbil berat akan anak-anaknya. Sanggup tak makan asalkan anak makan.
-a well-behaved or sopan santun cat.

-1 month ++
-very active and really really like to play or "wrestle" with their mother. Sangat suka main dengan ibu diorg, terutama sekali suka main kejar ekor ibu diorg dan main "gusti";)
-dua-dua ekor sangat comel dan unik. Both are cute and unique.

Oleh itu, ada tak sesiapa yang baik hati di luar sana nak adopt mereka bertiga? InsyaAllah they can be good housecats. Please...
Alhamdulillah..Praise be to God..I have finally managed to find kind people to adopt the whole family:)InsyaAllah..

[UPDATES! - Thursday/1.20pm

Mega - will be adopted by Mr Amir, who has also "booked" Doo Joon. So, Doo Joon will be with Mega, the loving mother:) Alhamdulillah. Mega may not have the chance to be together with all four of her kittens, but at least she has Doo Joon to pour her love and attention:) and at least the other three kittens will be taken under the caring and guardian of other good-hearted fosterers:)

Kimba & Ivan-She - several people smsed and called me asking if they could just adopt only the two of them without the mother or either just one of them. But, since Mega will be adopted by Mr Amir, therefore, Kimba & Ivan-She can be adopted together. And since according to the people in the waiting list or queue, Miss Dora was the one who called me first, therefore I believe it is appropriate for me to agree to give away Kimba together with Ivan-She, to Miss Dora.

To the rest of the kind-hearted people who smsed me or called me after Ms Dora,or who didn't manage to adopt either of the kittens, I'm so sorry... But I believe, this means that you are meant to share your love with other cats out there who are always waiting to be loved and taken care of by kind souls like you guys:)

Alhamdulillah..Everything went well.:)
macgyverjune   Mar 4th 2010 at 1:04PM
Fara,when are you going to surrender mother and kitten to their new adoptive parents?? I'm worried because the kittens are still too young to be separated as this moment. Wait until they reach 4 mths old.
FaraSyuhada   Mar 4th 2010 at 1:24PM
Some will be taking them this sunday.
And some will probably be next week.
I know that they are still young to be separated from the mother.. But the sad thing is, I'm only given up till next week, by the inconsiderate (sorry to say this but it's in a way true) management of my hostel, to make sure that the cats will be given away to people. Otherwise, they say, they will take the cats and "throw" them somewhere else unknown and I will be fined. I don't mind being fined, but I can't stand the fact that these cats are "thrown" (they say the euphemism is "relocate") to unknown places. (Please read the early parts of the pets' profile posted to know further).

I've explained to them that I at least need next month. God knows how I've quarreled with them and tried to defend the staying of the cats till at least next month. But these people just don't care. Sorry to say this, but these kinds of people are sometimes heartless + ignorant.

So that's why I really need to give them away within these two weeks. I'm sad..but this will be the only thing that I can do to help and save them.

macgyverjune   Mar 4th 2010 at 1:45PM
Fara,u have done the best you can.This heartless people are the so called educated and also giving such bad example to young people.They are showing the young people it is ok to ill treated animal. What kind of people we have in the education department?? In other word,what kind of "pendidik" we have in Malaysia?? Encouraging their children to be cruel to animal?? I will not want to have this kind of teachers for my children.
azith   Mar 4th 2010 at 2:45PM
Aslkm Fara

Alhamdulillah you've managed to find homes for all of them though they're not going to be as one family, at least they'll be in good hands insyaAllah. I wish I could take them all but I've already got 8 cats plus 4 kittens, 2 of the kittens are less than a month old and I'm staying in a housing estate in Rawang but my hometown is in Ipoh. I go back occasionally to Ipoh, infact I was in Ipoh last week. Wonder which part of Ipoh do you come from? Glad to know they are still good hearted people around. God bless you dear Fara, insyaAllah
FaraSyuhada   Mar 4th 2010 at 6:59PM
To macgyverjune,

Thank you for understanding. Actually these people are the "management people" and in my case, these people whom I quarreled with are the people in my hostel management office. They are not the educators..so I guess that explains why they are like that..Errmm..uneducated+ignorant.

The particular Makcik so called THE boss in the hostel management office (the one who instructed for the cats to be given away within these two weeks) claimed that she and the rest of the office workers also have cats at home..so they sort of know how cats behave and what should be done to cats. Aghh!! YAA RIGHT! Shame on her saying she has cats at home and yet she showed her true color of how ignorant, uneducated and inconsiderate she is towards cats. Haishhh! Kalau nak merungut pasal diorang ni memang sampai bila pun tak sudah. Buat sakit hati je.

I believe most of the educators, whether lecturers or teachers here are not so ignorant and inconsiderate like the management people. These educators, at least can tolerate things when we give them rational explanations and facts. Not like the management people, especially those that I've faced. Even if we have told them the real facts of nature and life, they won't accept and they always think they are THE CORRECT ONE and everybody else, especially students, are ALWAYS WRONG.

It is sad. Very sad to know that these kinds of people exist.
Wa'alaikum salam sister azith,

Thank you for the wishes and prayers. And I'm thankful that I've met kind-hearted individuals like you and the rest of the people here:)

Yup my hometown is in Ipoh. My parents are staying at Taman Meru, Ipoh:)

3388m   Mar 5th 2010 at 4:39PM
kimba has a new home already?I hope you can give kimba have a loving home.

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