NAme:MIKO(will come when called)
Lost Area: Jalan LEP 4/9, Sri Kembangan Selangor
Description: 2 yrs ++, grey male cat with white spots, black nose, wearing blue collar with bell, not friendly with other cat, friendly with people, big cat with thick fur, neutered.
please help me find my dear cat, he don't know how to eat other food other than wetfood/dry food, please help me find him. we all are missing him severely.
please call me if found:/012-
reward will be given as a token of appreciation.
I bought miko at only rm50 at Kelantan Pet Store. i fall in love with him at the first sight. Hes co cute, he didnt serve to be put in a cage like that.
miko sgt nakal, suka melompat xtentu pasal..suka kacau org, die super duper hyperaktif! masa kecik2 dulu penah die melompat dan tergantung kt kain smyg kawan, bertempik kawan tu tgh kusyuk2 solat. miko gak pantang tgk kaki,mesti gigt xnak lepas, skang ni pon mcm tu lah jugak aktifnya, pantg tgk org smyg, so kalo nk smyg kna pastikan die xde, tp dah xgigit kaki dah, alhamdulillah, kalo x nk bejalan pon was2..hehe.
masa buat balik die kt kampung bru2 ni, excited gile die buleh pijak rumput, sian plak tgk,
ayah ada bela ayam bawah rumah, ada jaring la..alih2 c miko ni belari sket punya laju langgar jaring besi tu berdentum bunyi, lpas tu die duduk syap pusing2 kepale, upenyer die nk tgkap ayam tu, riuh sekampung, sian die klaka btol gelagat dia.hehehe..syggg budak ni. harap2 sihat dan gembiralah dia sentiasa.amin.
NAme:MIKO(will come when called)
Lost Area: Jalan LEP 4/9, Sri Kembangan Selangor
Description: 2 yrs ++, grey male cat with white spots, black nose, wearing blue collar with bell, not friendly with other cat, friendly with people, big cat with thick fur, neutered.
please help me find my dear cat, he don't know how to eat other food other than wetfood/dry food, please help me find him. we all are missing him severely.
please call me if found:/012-
reward will be given as a token of appreciation.
I bought miko at only rm50 at Kelantan Pet Store. i fall in love with him at the first sight. Hes co cute, he didnt serve to be put in a cage like that.
miko sgt nakal, suka melompat xtentu pasal..suka kacau org, die super duper hyperaktif! masa kecik2 dulu penah die melompat dan tergantung kt kain smyg kawan, bertempik kawan tu tgh kusyuk2 solat. miko gak pantang tgk kaki,mesti gigt xnak lepas, skang ni pon mcm tu lah jugak aktifnya, pa…
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