I met Saffron at some roadside stalls end Dec2020. She was newly dumped. It was mating season so for 3 consecutive mornings, she was being harrassed by a few toms. While she was eating the food i offered, the toms were either busy smelling her rear or fighting to get her. There was simply no peace for her.
As her fur is a bit long, it became more & more filthy by the day. Always happy to see me cause she has a very good appetite. She does not understand the nature of outdoor, she crossed the road as if it was a corridor in her home. It was a road kill waiting to happen. Finally on new year’s eve, i scooped her up. She is so gentle, there were no struggle, just quietly let me put her inside a carrier.
Healthy 11-12 months old young girl. FIV/Felv -ve (Snap test). Comprehensive bloodtest good results. Deflea, fully vaccinated & spayed. Toilet trained. Learns command (eg "sit") very quickly.
Saffron is one of the sweetest rescues i have known. It is very easy to fall in love with her. She is gentle, responsive, affectionate, playful & so so sweet. She grooms herself very often so she does not need help in keeping her fur clean & soft. Saffron is a sociable lady.
Saffron has bonded very well with Zen the ginger boy with bushy kink tail so she must be adopted together with Zen as a pair. It will be too heartbreaking to break them up...Pair adoption, especially bonded pair, comes with many advantages (please view youtube by cat guru like Jackson Galaxy).
Should you wish to file in your adoption application, please click this link:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2-zN5GCE5zR2plRModsgVDmJF0IaVjKvMLC7gx6qqPY150g/viewform?usp=sf_linkFollow my work for the strays & rehoming the rescues on IG @hongsian_kaima
Part of proceed from the sales of my store @ameowzing.catsby goes to helping & feeding the strays