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   « Back To Listing Timtams: Playful Pets+ Great Guards
Timtams: Playful Pets+ Great Guards - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMale, 16 Years 3 Months
Amount2 Pets
VaccinatedNot Sure
DewormedNot Sure
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBrown, Cream, White
LocationPj, Selangor
Posted25 Feb 2010 (Updated 12 Apr 2010)
Adoption FeeFREE
ADOPTED on 10th April 2010

Thank God for sending a lovely family that fits the descrption of our ideal fosterer, and would do what i listed below for the dogs!
Timtams are now part of a loving family of parents +3kids+a maid and loving the wonderful corner house with grass in the compound!

TimTams (one is Tim, one is Tam)- to make it easier to call them!

Potential adopters should be able to commit to:
1) walking the dogs 2x a day (or keep them in secured bungalow/semi-d/corner house with vast area to roam, as they love running and playing)
2) spend time playing with them (they're still quite young, and will whine for attention unless given regular affection-time with keeper)
3) give fresh water daily & proper food (they eat kibbles)
4) keep shoes in proper shoe cabinet cos one of them is still displaying puppy behaviour of chewing shoes or moving them around (unless he gets adequate exercise and attention)

They appear to be brothers, and was roaming Ara Damansara area when found.

Plus points about these dogs:
1) trainable: know how to sit/shakehand/come
2) loves children and will play with kids - excellent FAMILY PETs!
3) chase cats (but don't attack them)
4) will bark at strangers - good alert dogs!
5) friendly to keeper and friends
6) great with older folks because of gentle nature - makes excellent FAMIlY PETs!
7) get along with other dogs, even male dogs (possibly because not fully sexually mature and also very gentle + playful in nature), so can join family with existing dogs.

NOTE: Will only entertain genuine adopters who'd take either one or both dogs as family pets. They get along well with other dogs. Tim once ran up to an Alsation in my neighbourhood and I thought he'd be minced meat, but they got along fine! Tam was badly injured (possibly by other dogs) when he was rescued, so he'd need responsible owners who'd make sure he's kept in a safe environment.
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Children adore TimTams!
Children adore TimTams!

Tams: I love my chewies! Please buy me some cowhide bones!
Tams: I love my chewies! Please buy me some cowhide bones!

Paradise would be relaxing and fun times with my family!
Paradise would be relaxing and fun times with my family!

Irresistible to kids! but please, let there be responsible adults to care for the dogs!
Irresistible to kids! but please, let there be responsible adults to care for the dogs!

Truly ideal family pets! Kids loves them!
Truly ideal family pets! Kids loves them!

Great dogs with great kids!
Great dogs with great kids!

Such cool dogs, enjoying the park!
Such cool dogs, enjoying the park!

We love the park!
We love the park!

active children are welcomed to play!
active children are welcomed to play!

Tim is so gentle, even a little girl can play with him!
Tim is so gentle, even a little girl can play with him!

they are playful & loving!
they are playful & loving!

TimTams are even okay with bicycles passing by! (see background of boy in bike!)
TimTams are even okay with bicycles passing by! (see background of boy in bike!)

children LOVES TimTams!!!
children LOVES TimTams!!!

Tams love to play with his big brother Tim (who allows those gentle play bites!)
Tams love to play with his big brother Tim (who allows those gentle play bites!)

we just love each other's company and playing together when our keeper's at work!
we just love each other's company and playing together when our keeper's at work!

Tams - sharp clean teeth, indicative of very young dog, possibly 1 year old
Tams - sharp clean teeth, indicative of very young dog, possibly 1 year old

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Tams - please adopt me!!! quiet and reserved at start, playful and full of energy once you know him!
Tams - please adopt me!!! quiet and reserved at start, playful and full of energy once you know him!

Tim-scrawny and putting on weight, now that he's getting regular feeding and attention!
Tim-scrawny and putting on weight, now that he's getting regular feeding and attention!

looking out of the house when an unknown object/person is spotted! very alert and will bark!
looking out of the house when an unknown object/person is spotted! very alert and will bark!

very penetrating gaze..and looks much older than he really is.. bit like Siberian Husky eyes
very penetrating gaze..and looks much older than he really is.. bit like Siberian Husky eyes

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Share your comments here2 Comments
jacelynsoo   Feb 25th 2010 at 8:56PM
We really hope for a sincere and genuine adopter to consider adopting these brothers. They may not have pedigree look but they are good guard dogs and wonderful pets! We had temporary volunteers taking turns to look after the dogs during chinese new year break, to our surprise, all of them commented them as very good and adorable dogs!
yensmiles   Feb 27th 2010 at 2:06PM
We had a great time at the park with TimTams yesterday evening. Kids just love them! Cyclist finds them fantastic! Walkers and joggers were just amused at the beautiful dogs when they run in sync and play together in the park with the kids. They're equally well-loved for their gentle nature by older folks!

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