How it was found:
The cat was found on Jan 13 tangled in my neighbour's barbed wire; my neighbour called the fire department (bomba) and they successfully freed the cat. As none of us in the neighbourhood know who the cat belongs to, I offered to take care of the cat and treat its injuries.
The cat's tail appears to be broken or dislocated, probably due to getting caught in the barbed wire. We've administered first aid as best as we can by shaving the fur off the tail and making a makeshift splint for the affected tail joint. We will be taking the cat to a vet on the morning of Jan 14 for a proper check-up and treatment.
Cat characteristic:
Male orange tabby, doesn't seem to be a stray as it's well-fed. Age unknown, but appears to be a fully adult cat. Has a soft, gentle, somewhat high-pitched meow (for a male cat) and appears to be quite mild-mannered.
If you are the owner of this cat or knows who the owner is, please contact me. Thanks!