Ashley is 9 months old, planning to neuter her before she is adopted. She is really playful & loves running at the park. She is a really fast runner 😂We bring her to the park everyday, ( she gives a reminder at 11pm & cries if you don’t bring her) so you must be able to spent sometime & play with her.
Cats or any other living creatures are her mortal enemy, she spent sally of time watching if there is any passing by.
Ashley is best suited for a home with a yard. Her energy level is high and hence daily walks preferred. She is intelligent and athletic by nature
She knows where to do her business (pee and poo) but in an unfamiliar environment, training is needed again. I managed to train her to do it in the yard, now she wake me up if she needs to pee or poo. Or she wait till someone is home to let her out to the yard.