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Kittens - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMixed Gender, 4 Years 6 Months
Amount2 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationWilayah Perseketuan, Kuala Lumpur
Posted4 Nov 2020 (Updated 14 Nov 2020)
Adoption FeeRM 200
Update: Finalizing adoption

On Sep 25, Sammy gave birth to 5 kittens. The delivery of the kittens caused Sammy to become fatigue. She started sneezing and this in turn caused the kittens to sneeze from time to time. The weaker kittens could not survive because blocked nose prevented them from finding the mother’s teat.

Although Albus hardly sneeze now while Gandalf sneezes from time to time, they exceeded the average kitten weight from week 3 onwards. Now, at week 6, Albus (male) weight 900gram while Gandalf (female) weight 750gram. Both kittens are dark grey. The only differences is that Albus have some white makings on his tummy. Their eyes are still developing, so we can only tell their eye colour after week 7.

They are both playful kittens. They know how to use my body as a ramp to get onto table and shelves. Their favourite activity is to play catch and climb the sofa. They know how to eat independently. They also know how to use the litter box.

Albus is the healthiest kitten with a visibly large tummy. The vet referred to him as the fat one because he drank mother's milk the most. He is more alert to sounds and movements. He is also showing traits of being independent. He will study a toy before interacting with it.

Gandalf is the sweetest kitten that will be the first to greet me then climb onto my lap. Albus learned from Gandalf how to take naps on my lap. They would stretch completely when their content and sometimes roll over and show their tummy. Albus also learned from Gandalf how to play with cat toy wand. At most times, Gandalf prefer to sleep in a little nook where he feels the most comfortable at. At other time, Gandalf loves to go on his adventures in the living room.

From week 1 to week 4, Gandalf had eye discharge. The vet’s diagnosis is that Gandalf has stress herpes due to environmental stressor. The eye discharge has cleared but I still apply eye ointment Gentamicin-POS to make sure that her eyes remain clear of discharge.

At present, I have separated the kittens from the mother cat. This is because the mother is receiving antibiotic treatment to deal with the sneezing. I am also monitoring the kittens, whether they continue to sneeze or not.

We are looking for responsible individual or family to adopt Albus & Gandalf. Priority is given to working adults who can do pair adoption. The earliest they can be adopted is Nov 20, when the kittens reach week 8. For adoption at early stage of life, adopters must be responsible for arranging vaccination and neutering.

If you are interested in adopting Albus and Gandalf, please fill up this questionnaire https://forms.gle/81tyCNgaWsyXXhFv9 If you are shortlisted, there would be a guideline for you. The content is to help you prepare yourself and your home for the kittens. If all goes well, there would be a pet adoption agreement.

The adoption fee is refundable after one year. The condition is that we receive monthly updates (including photo or video) so that we can determine if they are loved and cared for. This goes without saying that we appreciate individuals or families that can stay in touch with us.

Please understand that kittens, not just Albus and Gandalf, requires a substantial amount of care and attention. They can get messy and are still learning life skills. Please think carefully if you have the resources to care for kittens and ability to commit for 13-16 years before you adopt. Thank you.
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Albus is on the stool while Gandalf in on the floor
Albus is on the stool while Gandalf in on the floor



Albus at week 6 weighing at 900gm
Albus at week 6 weighing at 900gm

Albus looking at the camera. Albus has a wider face in comparison with Gandalf
Albus looking at the camera. Albus has a wider face in comparison with Gandalf

Gandalf on the left, Albus on the right
Gandalf on the left, Albus on the right

Gandalf is the smaller kitten. Albus is the bigger kitten
Gandalf is the smaller kitten. Albus is the bigger kitten

Kittens - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Albus and his tummy at week 5
Albus and his tummy at week 5

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Share your comments here8 Comments
AnimalLover934   Nov 8th 2020 at 3:23PM
Both still cannot eat dry food is it ?
Desa_Pahlawan   Nov 9th 2020 at 8:25PM
Both can eat dry and wet food on their own
Dear yogi I received your response but your contact information is not included. Please send me a message when you see this
LiewSinYi   Nov 10th 2020 at 12:47AM
can you contact me?
Desa_Pahlawan   Nov 10th 2020 at 10:30AM
Hi Jowe. Your profile does not have your contact information. My phone number is listed in the ad for your reference
Audeyjoe   Nov 11th 2020 at 12:03AM
Hai waiwaiee, I had submitted the form, hopefully will get in touch with you regarding on this cuties, more easier since we r only 3.1km away! will personally text u later. :)
TeddyDaniey   Nov 11th 2020 at 1:26PM
still available? I would love to have them with my 2
other kitty
Desa_Pahlawan   Nov 11th 2020 at 2:41PM
Dear teddy yes they are still available. Do fill up the questionnaire https://forms.gle/m6cGxz1aqcUCK5fb9

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