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   « Back To Listing Nasi Lemak
Nasi Lemak - Domestic Short Hair Cat
Donation Appeal Completed
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 7 Years 5 Months
ConditionSerious Injury
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, Golden
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted16 Oct 2020
Verified Rescuer
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Nasi Lemak was picked up by a famous nasi lemak food truck in Telawi Square, Bangsar for a trap-neuter-return. But he was instead diagnosed with chronic flu and jaundice, causing neutering to be delayed. After being at the vet for 7 weeks, Nasi Lemak was discharged as the vet was unable to resolve his chronic flu condition. His condition then worsened to the point where he contracted a fever, couldn't eat or drink and had difficulty breathing due to an increase in mucus. Eventually, there was blood being discharged from his nose so he was rushed to Cyberlynx Animal Hospital where he was admitted under Dr. Teoh's care.

During his 1-week admission at Cyberlynx Animal Hospital, he required IV fluids, antibiotics, chest physio, a chest x-ray, nebulizer treatment and multiple blood tests. After this initial round of treatment, Nasi Lemak was then prescribed a 3-month round of antibiotics and an assortment of meds which cost RM 510. As Nasi Lemak will have another follow-up next month which will cost roughly another RM 510, we need financial assistance to continue his journey to recovery as he is responding well to treatment so far.

We plan to eventually adopt Nasi Lemak out to a home without any other cats as his flu is airborne and contagious to other cats. Currently, Nasi Lemak is being fostered by his rescuer who is a trained nurse. Each of us is unable to adopt Nasi Lemak ourselves as we already have cats. It is our hope that this medical fund would help us continue giving Nasi Lemak the treatment he needs so he can bring joy to a home one day as he is a very sweet, cheeky, affectionate and good-natured cat.

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Thank You For Sponsoring Medical Treatment Of Nasi Lemak
Your generous contributions have helped save his precious life. View donor list here.
You can sponsor other animals awaiting urgent funds.
RM 205 Collected RM 205

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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.
Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.

Nasi Lemak bleeding from his mouth as Dr.Teoh checks him after he was rushed to see her.
Nasi Lemak bleeding from his mouth as Dr.Teoh checks him after he was rushed to see her.

Nasi Lemak undergoing nebulizer treatment at his rescuer's home.
Nasi Lemak undergoing nebulizer treatment at his rescuer's home.

Nasi Lemak's first follow-up vet bill.
Nasi Lemak's first follow-up vet bill.

Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.
Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.

Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.
Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.

Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.
Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.

Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.
Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.

Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.
Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.

Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.
Nasi Lemak poses for shots to be used in his adoption profile before his condition worsened.

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