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   « Back To Listing ✌ Blackhead 黑头 ✌
✌ Blackhead 黑头 ✌ - Mixed Breed Dog
For Adoption
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 6 Years 6 Months
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, White
LocationPekan Nanas, Johor
Posted9 Sep 2020
Adoption FeeRM 350
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This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
(中文版请往下滑噢 ~)
Remember my friend – ADOPT, DON’T BUY! Keep in mind that a pet is a LIFETIME commitment.
Adopt, Neuter & Never Abandon.

Adoption fee covers the expenses of the BASIC medical care of the adopted pet : Deworming + Neutering + Full Vaccinations + Microchip.


领养费用作该只猫/狗的结扎费用 + 驱蛔虫 + 注射预防针 + 注射宠物晶片,这些都是宠物应得的基本医药福利。


The young little blackhead was born as a stray dog. She wandered in an industrial area with her family and other stray dog ​​uncles and aunts.

The caregiver there told us that the food that can be found there is very little. In order to survive, adult dogs often beat the puppies when grabbing food. It's not easy for Blackhead to grab food every time due to her soft and gentle temperament ....

And her little brother believed that because he was so focused on finding food, he ran to the road and was killed by a car unfortunately 😢

We have sterilized most of the adult strays in that area, and for little Blackhead, we hope to find her a forever loving family, so that she can end her suffering homeless life.

Volunteer is currently taking care of Blackhead temporarily and found that she is super well-behaved. She never make noise in the cage while resting, and fully cooperate when took her bath 🤗

(But probably this is because she's afraid of the new environment and hide her naughty nature first 😆)

If you like little Blackhead, we hope that you can give her a chance to have a home sweet home.
Scroll down for the basic conditions of adoption 👇🙏


在那边喂食的爱心姐姐告诉我们,在那里能找到的食物少的可怜,为了生存,大狗时常抢吃时会殴打小狗,个性柔弱的小黑头每次都被打得屁滚尿流 😢 很不容易、使劲力气才能抢到一点点吃的 ...

而她的小哥哥相信因为太专心要找吃的,跑到了马路上,不幸被车子撞死了 😢

我们已经把那个地区绝大多数的成年浪浪都结扎了,爱心姐姐会继续努力的每天喂食,而小黑头,我们希望帮她找到一个衣食无忧的好家庭,让她不必年纪小小就过着备受霸凌的流浪日子 ....


(但或许这都是因为小狗刚转换环境,感到害怕而先掩饰调皮本性 😆

领养基本条件请往下看 👇🙏


Interested to adopt? Kindly read our requirements and call us to discuss further, thank you :)

- Applicant must be 25 years old and older
- Strictly NO tying/caging for long period and NEVER let your pet free roam
- Must agree to spay/neuter and bring for yearly vaccination
- Provide balanced meals, fresh water and shelter all the time
- Allow for home visit
- Love and treat pet like your own precious family members

想领养的朋友请确保能履行基本的主人责任噢,有兴趣领养者,请直接拨电联系我们了解更多,谢谢 :)

- 申请领养者需25岁或以上
- 不能长时间关 / 绑毛孩、不能放养,给与他们自由和足够空间活动
- 必须同意结扎和每年为宠物注射例行预防针
- 提供营养均衡的饮食、干净食水和能遮风挡雨的安全地方居住
- 同意义工们上门探访
- 把宠物视为家人,好好用爱对待它们

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✌ Blackhead 黑头 ✌ - Mixed Breed Dog


So easy to shower her ✌ 洗澡全程乖得不得了
So easy to shower her ✌ 洗澡全程乖得不得了

She is still small in size 看起来很大只,但其实黑头还很小一只哦
She is still small in size 看起来很大只,但其实黑头还很小一只哦

peekabooo 😆
peekabooo 😆


But it's over now! 但噩梦都结束了!
But it's over now! 但噩梦都结束了!

✌ Blackhead 黑头 ✌ - Mixed Breed Dog

Blackhead's stray life...小小黑头艰苦的流浪生活 😢
Blackhead's stray life...小小黑头艰苦的流浪生活 😢

so sweeeet 有点害羞但很喜欢人类的小黑头 ❤
so sweeeet 有点害羞但很喜欢人类的小黑头 ❤

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