Kassandra is related to Alexios & Icaros. Her origin is unknown to us as we adopted her & both Alexios & Icaros on the 02.09.20. We were told by the rescuer they all are 3 months old.
Kassandara is a Common Tabby DSH but her stripes is different from Alexios & Icaros. Has a similar destinct 'M' signature on the front face but has all over her body black stripes all the way to her tail. Like a Tiger tabby or a Mackerel tabby. She likes to observed on what Alexios & Icaros would do or play & if she does an itch wants to join too, she won't make a 2nd thoughts. All 3 tabbys are very playful & a joy to see them. I will upload more pictures when i have time later.