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   « Back To Listing 5 Dlh/persian Breed Cats
5 Dlh/persian Breed Cats - Domestic Long Hair Cat
CatDomestic Long Hair
ProfileMixed Gender, 18 Years 3 Months
Amount5 Pets
ConditionMinor Injury
BodyMedium Size, Long Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, Gray
LocationDamansara, Selangor
Posted5 Feb 2010 (Updated 7 Mar 2010)
Adoption FeeRM 100
Update : 8 March 2010

Dear All,
The last of the 2 cats, Audra and Chubaka have been rehomed earlier today. Thank you Farizul. Hope Nyet, Audra, Chubaka, your brother and yourself will be 1 big happy family :) Rajin2 lah bagi khabar berita and update gambar kat profile :)

Pada yg lain, terimakasih for all ur emails. Mungkin Ada yg x sempat saya jawab. Hopefully you'll find that one or 2 cats thts meant for u :)

On behalf of my sis and family, I thank all the adopters and all of u who expressed interest and concern.


Update: 21 Feb 2010

Dear all,
Kiki, Bibi, Sylvester and Mocha have been adopted. TQ Ash, qitqat and blurkittykat. Wishing u all the happiness with ur new furkids. Do keep me updated :)

Chubaka is still available for adoption. We also have a Female Calico semi flatfaced Persian to rehome. She wasn't mentioned earlier as my sis wasn't sure whether to let her go. Audra is 6yo. Very tame, friendly and manja. She's a stickler for cleanliness especially her litterbox. If there's poo in litterbox, she will poo outside the box!!

If ure interested in Audra or Chubaka, kindly drop me an email with details of urself, cat experience etc. The more info u give the better:) Ill send u Audras pic via email. The rest of adoption requirements remain the same.

TQ very much.

Update: 8 Feb 2010

Dear all,

TQ for ur comments, emails and support. I have shortlisted a number of potential adopters for my sister's babies. It may take a while to confirm the adoption, perhaps another week as my sis is going thru chemotherapy right now and for those who have gone thru it or seen their loved ones go thru it will know it's painful.
So, for the shortlisted ones, you know who u are cos I've
contacted u. It's just a matter of waiting for Adik to be well enough to talk abt this.

So, tolong jgn gaduh2. please drop the subject. Tak Ada kebangaan, kegembiraan atau keuntungan yg kami sekeluarga
dapat Dari proses adoption ni...but we have to find homes for

I apologize sebab tak dapat memuaskan semua pihak. There are only 5 cats and so many of you. If there is any change on status, I will inform the rest of you.

Harap semua faham. TQ.

I'm opening this profile on behalf on my sis who is currently dealing with a serious medical condition which has left her financially unable and time poor to continue taking care of her cats that she's had for the past 3 years or so. Reluctantly she has decided to put 5 of her cats for adoption. They are all long hair cats. 2 of them are of Persian breed but with no cert, they're termed as DLH :)

The following are details of the cats:-

1) Kiki
Gender : Female
Age : 2 years
Size : Small
Colour : Black/Brown
Type : DLH-Persian peke faced breed

Kiki is tame and friendly. She needs extra care and attention as she is actually from Persian peke faced breed. Which means she's very flatfaced. Her eyes water a lot, needs daily wiping and since she's very flatfaced, she needs constant wiping around
the eyes, mouth and nose area.

2) Bibi
Gender : Male
Age : 3 years
Size : Medium
Colour : Blue aka Gray
Type : DLH-Persian flatface parentage

Bibi is friendly, will answer when called :)
Very active and playful i.e will jump and prance around house.
Not for the faint hearted. LOL

3) Chubaka
Gender : Male
Age : 3 years
Size : Large
Colour : Brown Tabby
Type : DLH
Chubaka is similar to Bibi. Friendly and very playful. But he's large :P

4) Sylvester
Gender : Female
Age : 1 year
Size : Medium
Colour : Solid Blue
Type : DLH

Sylvester is the offspring of Kiki and Bibi. Friendly. tame and likes being brushed. And my personal favorite...Don't ask me why she was named Sylvester! LOL!

4) Mocha
Gender : Female
Age : 1 year
Size : Medium
Colour : Brown Tabby
Type : DLH

Mocha and Sylvester are from the same litter by Kiki. We believe they were sired by either Bibi or Chubaka or both :P Like Sylvester, Mocha is also friendly and tame.

Note :-
All of these cats are not in their optimum condition due to lack of time and financial ability to care of them. Almost all of them
have minor fungus and loss of fur due to shedding, Mocha especially. She now looks like a lion i.e fur around the head but
thinning on the body. They live in a big cage in the backyard since my sis' 2 yo daughter is allergic to fur. Our humid weather and lack of human attention which leads to stress could also be
a contribution factor to their condition.

Kiki, Bibi and Chubaka were both purchased at a price of between RM800 to 2.2K. Not that it makes them extra special
vs any other cats, but it just means that we are seriously looking
for people who love cats and are able to provide what my sis can't without selling them...

1) Adopter must have a household income therefore financially
able to provide food and litter plus medical care. They're currently on Iams. So no less than that. Must use proper litter, no newspaper please. They're used to clumping clay based litter (i'm not sure of brand). They will need immediate medical
attention for their fungus, possible earmites, vaccinations and
deworming. Bibi and Kiki have had their kitten vaccinations but
not adult. The others have not been vaccinated.

2) We would like for an adopter who already has at least one
cat if adopting just one of them because they have all lived
together all their lives so being alone will be stressful for them.
Adopting more then one is welcomed provided adopter meets
the requirements. However we would prefer a household with maximum 5 cats. These cats have not had enough human contact or free roam play time hence I'd like to ensure that
adopters are able to give them a lot at attention and free space
to roam.

3) Specifically for Kiki, we require an adopter who is experienced caring for a flatfaced Persian.

4) The adopter must ensure the cats receive a lot of attention
which includes playtime and grooming (since they're DLH, daily brushing is best) and lots of love obviously :).

5) The cats must not be caged as they've been caged enough
unless it is for their own safety and for a minimum amount of time. They must also be strictly kept indoors.

6) As mentioned, the cats are not in very good condition so
immediate vet visit is a must and costs to be born by adopters.

7) Preference will be given to adopters who support neutering/spaying the cats to ensure the health of the cats and also to ensure they don't end up being commercialised or
contribute to stray problems.

8). We would prefer adopters who are in Klang Valley and would appreciate if adopters are ok with ocassional visits by us. We will feel much better seeing the cats happy at their new homes and I'm sure my sis and hubby will miss these furkids when they leave...

We require an adoption fee of RM100 to ensure that adopters are serious about the cats.

If you are interested, kindly email me your detail
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All of them. Right at the end on the first level, black furball is Kiki :)
All of them. Right at the end on the first level, black furball is Kiki :)












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Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6    111 Comments
Fareen   Feb 5th 2010 at 8:26PM
kawan2 ku, I have some cats for adoption. Cat lovers, true lovers, please contact me:)
qitqat   Feb 5th 2010 at 9:12PM
err.. cik Fareen.. cubaan i utk email u gagal 2x.. u ade recieve tak? agagga
Fareen   Feb 5th 2010 at 9:15PM
haha x de.
bina   Feb 5th 2010 at 9:36PM
Hugs to your sister ... I am sure it is a very difficult decision.
I hope they find good new families soon.
God bless ...
ancak   Feb 5th 2010 at 9:44PM
semoga selamat dan sihat sejahtera adik saudara! Saya berminat dgn kucing female utk pasangan kucing saya. kalau saya terpilih nie email saye
Fareen   Feb 5th 2010 at 9:48PM
Tq Bina, it is difficult for her and hubby but given her condition plus their 2 yo daughter who is allergic to fur and a lot of other things they finally decided to let them go after 1 year of contemplating....I am also sad but at the same time also happy and somewhat relieved to find them better homes and loving care cos they deserve it...:)
Hi Ancak, mana email awak :) btw, awak nak female sbgai pasangan tu, untuk dikahwin kan or kawan2 je? Cos saya nak kucing tu dineuter kan.
qitqat   Feb 5th 2010 at 10:23PM
sis.. tried a few times again bu to no avail so here's my email: palelutuk at dot com

nak anto 'resume' ni huhu
Fareen   Feb 5th 2010 at 10:51PM
Tq Bina, it is difficult for her and hubby but given her condition plus their 2 yo daughter who is allergic to fur and a lot of other things they finally decided to let them go after 1 year of contemplating....I am also sad but at the same time also happy and somewhat relieved to find them better homes and loving care cos they deserve it...:)
Halim66   Feb 5th 2010 at 11:36PM
Salam Fareen... i'm keen to have Sylvester... i think your mailbox is already jammed with potential adopters.... :-)

Maybe u can email or sms me for further discussion... thanks.

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