hi..here i'm introducing my new kitty..huhuhu..juz like my late kidz...huhuhu..so sad tp it's ok,at least lepas skit rindu...aritu blik kg,then my mum gto yg my neighbour punye kucing bru gave birth of 3 kittens but suddenly their mum stop nurturing them..always refuse to feed them..so pity coz dorg bru almost 2 weeks old..i can't stand to hear that from my neighbour,so i've decided to adopt one of them b'coz of my neighbour said the other two have been booked by someone...i really hope the person that adopt the other kitties will take a gud care of them..i amik keputusan nk jge this cute kitty coz i've a mother cat called tam yg bru kehilangan her kitten (kidz)..kesian tam ,so skrg ni tam amat sygkan mickey juz like her own kitty..cme kdg2 i susukan die gak ngn susu tepung..he such a good boy..hope die m'besar n sihat selalu..at the same time i'm also scared..juz hoping he'll alive...