1 feet body with head long white cat with blue eyes unknown breed. Found by the roadside of Klinik Idzham Bukit Antarabangsa on 13th August 2020. He was badly injured along with flu, the condition was very bad previously. It is healing fast and no more serious wounds. Dont be hesistate to whatsapp me for inquiries regards all condition with this cat previously and now. My own cat she gets mad as I kept him at home. His right nose scar is freshly created by my own cat hours ago when I attempted to let them living together. Hence your help in adoption him is really really and highly appreciated. ❤❤❤ (the very ugly photo was the condition after I washed him a bit when I last saved him on 13th August, he is pretty easy to take care and manja, will stick human a lot, the condition now indicates he fast recover and healthy if having somebody to care of)