• Name: Taoie (pronounced ta-wee)
• Miniature schnauzer
• Grey + white colour
• Wears a black collar with a bell
• About 7-8 kg
He is almost blind and can't hear very well due to age, so he might not respond to his name or might be aggressive when surprised.
Last seen at our home in Taman Rakyat, Cheras (Yulek) at 8pm on 3 August 2020. The gate was slightly open when we noticed he was missing at 9pm, and we are unsure if he ran out on his own or was taken away.
Reward will be given if found and returned. Please contact us if you have any info!
• 它叫Taoie (ta-wee)
• 13岁,男,灰白色,迷你雪纳瑞犬。
• 佩戴黑色項圈和小铃。
• 眼睛和耳朵有问题,故此未必能对其名字或称呼有反应,甚至有可能会带有侵略性。
• 失踪地点: Taman Rakyat, Cheras (Yulek)
• 失踪日期: 2020年8月3日, 晚上8-9pm
• Namanya Taoie (ta-wee).
• 13 tahun, jantan, mini schnauzer.
• Memakai kolar hitam dengan loceng kecil.
• Dia separa buta dan pekak, jadi dia mungkin tak akan dengar bila namanya dipanggil dan mungkin akan cuba mengigit bila terkejut.
• Kali terakhir dilihat di Taman Rakyat, Cheras (Yulek) pada 3 Ogos 2020, 8 malam.
Ganjaran akan diberikan jika terjumpa dan dipulangkan. Tolong hubungi kami jika ada apa-apa maklumat. Terima kasih.