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1 Pet, Adopter

1 Pet, Animal Lover

NameVivi Chang
JoinedOct 2008
LocationKota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
ExperienceDog (5 Years)
Dog (4 Years)
Interested InAn Animal Lover
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i love my dogs. God bless them.

It's been 2 months since i left my hometown.
I miss both my dogs so much. Hope my sis will take really good care of them.

vivi's Pets
Rocky, 5 Yrs
In Heaven

Nana, 4 Yrs
In Heaven

Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 12    238 Comments
chino   May 21st 2009 at 9:14AM
DId u SAW Mr KAUNDER Comment???
Sob Sob Vivi its really WORks i mean kepoing put spca dogs at mudah YEEEAH give me five!!!2 reply.1 frm selang0r .1 is staying in malacca !!lolz
http://www.mudah.my/vi/.htm?ca=10_s.This is Gamble,the malacca::(( i donkw how to paste aiyoooh
http://www.mudah.my/li?ca=11 is the spca 0ne!!!GOdBLess .
Dear Vivi.the Ad that SHeng qi one,remove ready!!!!aiyoooh:(
GUd viVi..sweet dream hope 2molo will b better..!!!G0dbless
Sorry Vivi Make u inc0nvinient...click the link 1st than click malacca search pets malacca its there..the link i gav u not direct to the ad c0z...i don kw how to paste link:((
Dear Vivi Wen U R free c Dog ADOPtion Guana.:(d0n kw wat to says!!!!Godbless
vivi   May 22nd 2009 at 9:16PM
quite serious for guana.
poor girl being abandon for the third time.
chino   May 23rd 2009 at 12:39AM
U r ryt Dear Vivi how can a dog stand for kip changing 0wner???i really cnt understand what is Irena Think of She likes all the puppies !!!nothing wr0ng but frm what i knwn she g0t Two adult ready!!all the sudden she Ask Deki can Help not Than Deki pass message to me ,i ask her by email but she dint reply!!!!of c0z we can help f0r the doggy sacks but seems like i also cant tell!!!Fed Up!!!By The Way many replies 4 spca malacca but i d0nt know pf admin will banned me not if the d0ggy not adopted frm here:(Hard to log in me..dont know Y!!!!all the best My east malaysia Buddy!!!:)Godbless
vivi   May 23rd 2009 at 12:14PM
y ban u ler?
the main point for PF is to save the unwanted.
they got profile here and need to be update also and then u can let the adopter to visit pf oso.

it's a good thing u do u know.
and i think spca melaka will thank u for that.
no worries.
Deki   May 23rd 2009 at 12:25PM
Aiyo, chino, y u sound like dat? Y ban u?? bcoz u help SpcaMelaka?? Dun understand.
chino   May 23rd 2009 at 12:29PM
TKs Vivi ..:)now i worry BUut Irena ley she putting herslf up to adoption!!!Afraid will seduce by bad guys lahh.:(We all Know Every Website adalah 0rang macam ni...at her age aiy00h..my opinion for her just wan her think clearly but seems dah terbalik!!!About spca 1 adopter Philip will fetch his doggy fews day times..lol .My mood still not happy c0z Irena think negative:(the 0ther gud news is Gamble sent puppy to Mystery frn 2day lia0...:)my frn will wait for monday:) A Very kind boy haha he study master at kl.Hope he will success 1 day coz his dream can help WAn SHI SAN!!!!GOdblESS BTW Vivi YOU TOO R VERY KIND:)as Deki said angle
Deki   May 23rd 2009 at 12:31PM
Angel, not angle.
vivi   May 23rd 2009 at 12:41PM
hahahah thanx chino.

bout irena, we can't do nothing much.
we all have been thru 15 year old and i kinda understand how she felt.
i think lah.
if irena set her mind up to something, she will wan it that way usually. (in a way i think u guys know what i mean rite?)
bout bad guys, dun worrylah. she's a clever girl.
she won't be cheated by some mystery guy.
since she say her family is like this like this, i think her family got certain rules for them to follow. and i don think she's stupid enough to 'li jia chu zou' rite?
if she does this kind of thing. This will show how irresponsible she are.

i hope she will browse thru here to read and hope she will understand the mistake she have done.

One need to learn from their mistake but the most suffer is not ourself but the one who was involve.
Deki   May 23rd 2009 at 12:45PM
vivi, v hv a rebellious teenager here, hard 2 advice anything.
vivi   May 23rd 2009 at 12:54PM
that is one of the stage to pass to the next level. (teenager)

she claim that we all don understand her background.
hmmm....maybe we don lah.
if she say not then not lorrr.
whatever we say, it's hard to get thru her mind bcos she's angry now.
let her do her own thinkng.

not interested to post any comment to guana's profile anymore cos nanti pot more will scold her again only.
chino   May 23rd 2009 at 1:04PM
Ya..same n0 interest:(lolz even we als0 been tru this mah...(parents rules)Godbless..Vivi,Deki,If Daphen here i think she also mo wah k0ng(canton)Godbless...Coz of tenager i ate s0 much chocalate::((
vivi   May 23rd 2009 at 1:07PM
hahah chino, i'm rebellious when i'm 20n year old.
when 15 very guai but malas.
i LOVE chocolates.
i can give up any drinks but chocolates!!!!!!!!!!!!
chino   May 23rd 2009 at 1:25PM
Lols yah my fav:)Hope that young lady really wake up:)hav a nice weekend Vivi!!!

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