Hi summer6, thank you for your enquiry on #BigOrangeTheGentleAndDocileCat https://www.petfinder.my/pets/94028/ May I invite you (and any kindhearted animal lover who can provide a home or even just to provide some time to visit Big Orange) to go visit #BigOrange at Cyberlynx Animal Hospital (10 Boulevard, off Sprint Highway just before Damansara Toll, PJ, Damansara ) at your convenience please? Big Orange is healing well and will be discharged quite soon. He is really a very lovely good natured boy and his next hopeful destination is a forever home when out of the clinic...
Hi. I am Aaron. Currently 3 person asked me about mantou. A female person will see him and then decide to adopt mantou or not within this week. After she made decision, I will tell you. Mantou eats all the common food like other cats(you can buy the cat for food in the pet shop or online.) He is also an independent cat. If you are working or doing your own things, he won’t disturb you). 😇