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Adopter, Animal Lover

NameSheng Chuah
JoinedMar 2009
LocationBayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
ExperienceDog (6 Years)
Interested InAn Animal Lover
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Taken care of a dog for 6 years when I was a teenager. Now taking of another dog.

sheng's Pets
Stemeo, 16 Yrs
Owner's Pet

Share your comments here14 Comments
junlee   Mar 4th 2009 at 4:25PM
hi...if u really want,u can go SPCA 2 c whn u free.cos sometimes there is some small size pedegree like shihtzu,poodle....c ur luck,u can go few times...good luck~
sheng   Mar 5th 2009 at 9:57PM
yes, that is what I plan to do. I have been there once and there is no small dogs. I may try again this weekend.
junlee   Mar 7th 2009 at 3:42PM
hope u good luck...my shihtzu oso adopted from there...on dat day,i saw some small pedegree oso.i m not d 1st time adopt pet there.everytime i there,i oso saw small pedegree...hope u good luck~whn u get 1,must inform me lo~~~
sheng   Mar 8th 2009 at 6:38PM
Been to SPCA 2 times. No luck so far. On 2nd try, found an oversized poodle but got to return the dog because he bites and I have children at home (and at times alone with the dog).

Time is on my side. But same breed dogs are adopted fast, and I can only make it there on weekends. Bottom line - I need lots of luck.
junlee   Mar 29th 2009 at 1:47PM
huh..u looking4toy dog again?
sheng   Mar 29th 2009 at 7:00PM
No. One pet is more than enough :-)

I was hoping someone would adopt Sugar. I met her a few weeks back and she is still available. She is a nice affectionate dog, if anyone is interested to take a look.
smfan   Mar 30th 2009 at 9:10AM
This pet willsurely bring a lot of happiness to your family from the look of the picture you posted(kid and stemo) and how he waits for you to come home....enjoy her presence!
munkie   Apr 2nd 2009 at 12:03AM
hey sheng.. min pin is one or two person dog. are you sure u wanna adopt another one? they maybe will get jelous ..:)
sheng   Apr 2nd 2009 at 10:17PM
Oh no, I am not adopting anymore dogs. One is just nice.

My other posting was about the dog I met before I adopted Stemeo.
BerniceW   Apr 20th 2009 at 9:08AM

Hi Sheng, I use to hv Min Pinscher once, they r v smart & obedient dog, Normally female dogs r more manja, v v good in catching/chansing mouse, keeping a Min Pinscher at home like keeping both dog & cat at home, hahaha.

Brown Min Pinscher is rare.

My dog Kiki likes to sit and roll on my lap too, its fun isnt it?

I beleive she will gv u fun and joy fr the day 1 u adopt her...........
sheng   Apr 20th 2009 at 6:08PM
Smart => yes. Obidient => no :-)

Now that she calls my home her home, she would do things that she knows she is not allowed to do. She would pull shirts and pants from the bed, and carry them around the house, in order to entice my kids to chase after her.

Overall, she is nice. Very nice. And you are right, she is like a dog and a cat combined. And very manja like a cat :-) All she wants to do is to sleep and play.

She does not want to sit on my lap for too long these days. She will jump off to play with my kids, or do something she enjoys. She will only sit on my lap after everyone has gone to bed and I am her only entertainment :-)

I didn't know that brown mini pins are rare. If you Google for "red mini pinscher" under images, you will see a lot of them. Some come with tails. Its kind of an unnecessary pain to the dog to have to snip off the tail just for the sake of looking good, isn't it?
BerniceW   Apr 20th 2009 at 7:13PM
May b its rare in JB.......Red/Brown is more expensive than black in JB.

So, u hv a playfull boy......

forgot to tell you, if u over pampered a min pin they will climb on to your head, hahaha....

At time you hv to b firmed, to let them know that you r the master of the house, they will b obdient.

Sashy   Apr 20th 2009 at 11:37PM
Hahah, and they say dogs have no sense of humour :) seems stemeo thinks its funny to have your kids chase after her (hopefully your kids do too) :)
sheng   Apr 21st 2009 at 12:37AM
Oh yes, both kids and dog find it fun. Nowadays, the kids are on all four "legs" just like Stemeo. They chase each other on the floor. The kids like to corner Stemeo between the sofa and the wall. They let Stemeo hide behind the sofa and then they block both exists from the sofa and slowly close in on her :-) Its funny to see them playing.

But poor me... I have to do the clean up.

And yes, Stemeo wants a lot of attention. And she will resort to pulling shirts off the bed for attention. And if I scold her, I think she takes it as a complement. She got her attention. And a little scolding doesn't hurt her. She just drops the shirt on the floor. Then, she do it again later.

I think I may have pampered her a little too much. When I get really angry, she will get scared and after that, she will listen. But I have to get really angry... And I thought dogs are supposed to help bring my blood pressure down :-)

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