Name | Prettyboy Nia |
Joined | Sep 2008 |
Age | 44 |
Gender | Female |
Location | Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia |
Occupation | Engineer/Minconsult Sdn Bhd |
Experience | Cat (7 Years) |
Interested In | An Animal Lover
UseD tO haVE a Cat.. She Died 210608. My PRecioUS GUgurL. CAnt AdopT anY at THe moMENt. sTIll griEVIng oveR HEr.
I'm an EngineeR and a FUll tiMe AthlETE. LOve sPOrts so MUch. PLAyed thEm so HArd. I swiM, i SmasH, I dUNk and I KIck.
StiLL iNTeREsted in CAts, But caNt affORD to LOse anoTHEr. So I'll BE haPPy to HElp fiNDing an ADopter and JUSt shaRE the FUn of haVINg pets.
prettyboy's Pets