I love cat very much and I had one but then I lost her recently.I have a hole in my heart every time I think of her. I miss her terribly. I pry for her too and often my tear just come every time I say her name.She so dear to me.I just want to come home to her because I know she waiting for me.When I wake up in the middle of night she there to accompany me Before she past away I hold her in my arm and she look up to me and I can see she is crying, my heart stop for the moment and I cant breath, I know I will lose her but I still driving to clinic and she past away on the way.I keep talking and when she never make a move and no sound coming I stop the car, She gone.I cry and I still crying when I say her name. I miss you and love you very...very much Pepper.Thank to you because be part of my life event just a shot while.I will always remember you.