hi yenyen, what kind of help do you require? if u need someone to foster puppi, i can't at the moment coz i hv 2 dogs now n i stay in a flat... if u need help to transport puppi to a vet for neutering, i can arrange... if it's the latter, pls call/sms me on my hp... :)
there's no charge to send the pup to the vet... we are all doing this voluntarily for the love of dogs, aren't we? ;) well, hv to try to make sure he empties his bladder before getting into the car... i had a dog who peed in my car before too... :)
am not able to help with fostering, as we already hv 1 adult shihtzu, 1 adult mongrel, n 4 mongrel puppies, all rescued n for adoption. not to mention our own dogs. if u need help with transportation, etc, do let me know.