June, a petfinder.my forummer needs help to house 11 stray cats from her area after receiving complaints from DBKL. She only has 2 weeks to save the cats, or else, the cats will be sent to DBKL setapak. Can you please help foster one of them?
Thanks. You can contact me (Yanty) at or just email .
Thanks again.
hi mimi,
June, a petfinder.my forummer needs help to house 11 stray cats from her area after receiving complaints from DBKL. She only has 2 weeks to save the cats, or else, the cats will be sent to DBKL setapak. Can you please help foster … show more
hi mimi,
June, a petfinder.my forummer needs help to house 11 stray cats from her area after receiving complaints from DBKL. She only has 2 weeks to save the cats, or else, the cats will be sent to DBKL setapak. Can you please help foster … show more
hi mimi,
June, a petfinder.my forummer needs help to house 11 stray cats from her area after receiving complaints from DBKL. She only has 2 weeks to save the cats, or else, the cats will be sent to DBKL setapak. Can you please help foster … show more
Hi Mimi, I currently have a mother cat and her two kittens up for adoption on my profile. But I can't keep them in my house anymore. I was wondering if you are interested in fostering them before they get adopted? Do contact me if you are interested. Thanks! :)
Hi Mimi, I currently have a mother cat and her two kittens up for adoption on my profile. But I can't keep them in my house anymore. I was wondering if you are interested in fostering them before they get adopted? Do contact me if you are … show more
Hi Mimi, I currently have a mother cat and her two kittens up for adoption on my profile. But I can't keep them in my house anymore. I was wondering if you are interested in fostering them before they get adopted? Do contact me if you are … show more
Hi mimi, i was wondering if you are open to fostering a young female cat. she was dumped at our condo area and non of us are able to take her in because we have maxed out capacity. Condo has 1 pet per condo rule. The cat is about 1 year old and she's very friendly and sweet. please let me know if you are keen. We would like to take her to a vet but would want to secure her a home before hand
Hi mimi, i was wondering if you are open to fostering a young female cat. she was dumped at our condo area and non of us are able to take her in because we have maxed out capacity. Condo has 1 pet per condo rule. The cat is about 1 year o… show more
I have domestic kittens for adoption. If ur interested i'll email their pictures.