"When people often say 'don't buy, adopt', the way I look at it is this, its not the fault of the breeded animals to have a price tag on them, looking dolled up like products in display in their 'prison cells'..Somebody does have to buy them since unscrupulous beings created them for the sake of money. Then we have the street animals who are trying to co-exist together with mankind but mankind in general seems to be too engrossed with their daily lives that they often turn a blind eye to these animals in need. Then we have the case of pets that are rescued. They're brought to a 'shelter' and in that confined space one has a short-lived glimmer of hope but they have to compete with all the other animals to be the apple of the eye of the future adopter or risk being put down due to funding limitations, etc. How sad it is to have hands clasping around you and the next thing you know, is the utterance of 'sorry kid', the very same hands are holding a needle that is meant to stop your heartbeat in a second.." - Yasmin
"When people often say 'don't buy, adopt', the way I look at it is this, its not the fault of the breeded animals to have a price tag on them, looking dolled up like products in display in their 'prison cells'..Somebody does have to buy them since unscrupulous beings created them for the sake of money. Then we have the street animals who are trying to co-exist together with mankind but mankind in general seems to be too engrossed with their daily lives that they often turn a blind eye to these animals in need. Then we have the case of pets that are rescued. They're brought to a 'shelter' and in that confined space one has a short-lived glimmer of hope but they have to compete with all the other animals to be the apple of the eye of the future adopter or risk being put down due to funding limitations, etc. How sad it is to have hands clasping around you and the next thing you know, is the utterance of 'sorry kid', the very same hands are holding a needle that is meant to sto… show more