I'm a cat lover.. i love to snuggle, kiss and play with cat a lot eventhough i kind of has asthma but its ok, i used to it so it will not cause me any problem. around 2 weeks ago, my cat is gone, she didnt come home again, i dont know why, mybe she die or kidnapped. it really is difficult to me, i've been raised Rolly (my cat) for 9 years now i feel very lonely and need an affection from a cat. the cat that i have already raised are all stray cat, either becoz i found them in the side of a road or bushes or been given to me by some people. i dont mind about the breed, but i prefer a kitten that i can totally raised by myself, preferable male kitten.
in term of experience, i'm quite good. my lost cat (Rolly) is very hyper active, stubborn, free, playful and tempered? .. hahaha she used to jokes hard like bite me on my hand, usually when she want to bite me i gave her my toes, she will playfully bite them. so what im trying to say im not afraid of a cat with an attitude bcoz i used to have one, in term of love and affection, i just love to snuggle and kiss cat. and i really like to spoilt them.