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Rescuer, Adopter

Rescuer, Adopter


NameKenny Phon
JoinedMar 2009
LocationIpoh, Perak, Malaysia
OccupationSwiftet Birdnest's Farming / TVP
ExperienceDog (20 Years)
Bird (5 Years)
Interested InProviding Foster Home
Adopting Pets
An Animal Lover
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I am an animal lover (BIRDS and DOGS) since I was a little kid. My primary business is related with Agro (Tambun pomelo orchard) and secondary business is Swiftlet Birdhouse Farming.

I mostly kept guard dogs as pet because my secondary business needs full time security.

Something that I like so much about guard dogs, they can be very fears and aggressive towards unwelcome strangers but in the otherway act like a little cute puppy to their master.

My dogs only demanded 4 things from me, clean water, yummy dog food, play games with master whenever possible and uncage during the night.

Usually dogs will alert barked to noticed their master to take action and also to scare away the intruders from the fencing line. My dogs are consider intelligent enough to defends my belonging (inside the fencing compound). It also helps me to guard after my orchard and my beautiful Peafowl pet. (The world biggest colorful feathers flying bird)

kennyphon's Pets

Share your comments here14 Comments
pancakeswithmaple   Apr 8th 2009 at 9:30AM
ooh..i see.its very cool.lolz^^
Wanko   Apr 29th 2009 at 12:23AM
wwah, u kept peacock and owl too?U found the owl in Tambun? Do u bring ur dog for training.I own a GS, i need to train her when she grow older.
Belgian Shepherd is hard to buy in ipoh.Mostly they sell GS.Belgian shepherd is brown n smaller size compare to GS.Am i right, cos i saw 1 BS (dog show)in my ipoh garden church last sunday.
Few month ago a big dog(the size of a rottweiler) come to my jiran house.Pity the black dog they kept it.Problem is onwer let dog out to poo and scare dog bite poeple, wanted to throw it away. I want to buy them the dog cover mouth so they dont throw away the dog.Can u advise me which typy of mouth cover is suit and strong enough for a dog size of a rottweiler.Can u recommend me or do u know any one who want a big size dog.I dont want this dog to be abandon again.Is sad being abandon twice.Please help
hi,I already bought the mouth cover for the dog.I go pet shop and they recommend the adjustable mouth cover for me.I told my jiran that the mounth cover is given free from my friend.He lost the dog and give the mouth cover to me.It a nice escuse in order to help the black dog.hahahah.Hope they will kept the dog.
U better take good care of ur foot cos the screw is rusty.Go see DR to get injection.
Is polo club tambun near to tambun selling plant and flower.There got horse and got rottweiler show before right?I guess i been there before, quite inside.There got training dog meh? I thought only WMCA got training dog.My dog still pee sometime but no as offen as last time.My dog know sit, down and stay but not alway listen to me.Depand to her mood.How much r there charge for training dog.BTW do ur dog bark at stranger.Why is my dog so friendy?Who ever come to my house she also dont bark.How to guard my house?
PetFinderAdmin   May 20th 2009 at 1:39AM
Hi Kenny, thanks for informing us of the additional breeds. We'll look into it and let you know.

Can you please provide me with more information on members that are acting abusively? We'll investigate into it and take necessary actions, thank you.
kennyphon   May 20th 2009 at 2:44AM
Dear PF Admin,
Thank for your replied. I beleived this website will benifits many folks out there to enjoy their past time even more value to share thier good or bad expriences with thier lovely pets. For this I have to give a Great Salute to all the PF working staffs and active members.

Well no matter how good we are sometime we also make big mistakes. As I told you, I already forgive him so no need to take actions against our dear bro. If in future he do it again or any members here pay no respect to others PF members. Than I may need PF to be a reffee to solve up problem. Ha! Ha!

Cheers and keep it up to be NUMBER ONE Pets website in Malaysia perhaps The World one day.
Wanko   May 26th 2009 at 1:23AM
how is ur trip to polo club tambun.Has ur dog learn many tricks already?How much they charge for the training?My dog grow very fast.Now very big but not garang at all.
I am sure u did heard of the dog rescue mission in pulau ketam.i read the wed site every nite.I know they r stray but this is not a method to solve the problem.Human can be so cruel.
Deki   May 28th 2009 at 11:47AM
Hi, noticed u hv a lot of knowleage abt animals, enjoy reading your post, hope u r here more often to share interesting topics on animals with us, thank you.
Oh, too many to learn fr u, u r like an ancyclopedia wif ur experince wif animals, do share wif us, looking forward........

Nvm d "cina Ah Pek", I am "cina zhai", I am proud of myself being cina sumthing sumthing, & we r proud of u being an "animal ancyclopedia cina ah pek", hahaha...
chino   May 29th 2009 at 11:37AM
lol MR KENNy..we learn lots frm you..really !!!especially the DEvil!!!Mr Kenny since you always travelling around s0 you must hav lots of frns ryt...plssss help those mutt(mongrel)to your frnz to take C farm.platati0n lohh !some u also knws mix with pure breed ryt???I hope you can help because you know more than us!!:)godbless
vivi   May 29th 2009 at 4:58PM
hi mr cina apek
very funny comment and i guess i know who u mention bout.
Keep up the good work
How r the dalmation puppies now?
grow up alreadykah?
did u upload their pic?
Wanko   Jun 4th 2009 at 12:22AM
hi I call u if i free to bring my GSD to polo tambun there.I guess u will not bring ur dog to WMCA to train cos over there many dog.How ur dog?Still shy?Learn any new trick.Do ur dog bark a lot?
Can u advise me on how to catch a stray dog.The dog run away each time she want to get close to it.Have a stray to behind my friend house that we want to bring the dog to sunak it before male dog target her.This is the only way to stop the dog from having unwanted puppy.Can i try giving her sleeping pill but my friend say last time she give 6 pill also the dog not sleep.That was another dog.She is very kind hearted.She help many stray dogs.
vasselissa   Jan 29th 2010 at 3:09PM
i am malaysian lah :)

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