oowwhh..xde name..ye la..nanti keliru bile owner bru bg name lain plak..hehe jb..kat...jln petri..tarom. tau? owwhh ye ke..my dad's name haridth, tp i buang d because it wasn't meant to be. tau² la org dulu²..
can you please share with me how to start breeding maine coon.. i heard alot about them, can get sooo big, must be nice.. where to get baka yang original, hmm can nego o fix, the price? :) and how to train male cats yang tak spayed to not spray around house? hmm my persians dah kene spayed dah dua dua, sayang kan.. hmm..
hi.. geramnyer tgk ur cats.. sayang,jauh.. nak tanye bole..? kalau u pergi vacation..lame.. u leave je the cats at home & ask someone to feed/u send to boarding places..or ape?
maine coon yg for sale tuh comel gile²!!