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3 Pets, Animal Lover

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NameJamie MEI
JoinedApr 2008
LocationKelana Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
ExperienceDog (16 Years)
Dog (16 Years)
Cat (12 Years)
Interested InAn Animal Lover
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Have 6 great furkids, 2 woofs & 4 meows which we took in from the streets. Would love to adopt more, but just don't have the space and quality time to attend to more furkids. Totally enraged with people who abandon their pets for reasons/excuses beyond acceptance. Would hope human race will play it's role in protecting the innocent lives of abandoned souls.....Stop trading of pets! With every pet bought, another looses the chance to live in the pound. Please spay/neuter your pets and support Trap-Neuter-Manage-Release (TNRM)

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jamie76's Pets

Casper, 2 Yrs
In Heaven

Ah Boy, 2 Yrs
In Heaven

Pepper, 2 Yrs
In Heaven

Share your comments here3 Comments
molly   Aug 21st 2008 at 5:18PM

An aunt who is about 70 years is urgently looking for a home & fosterer for a 3 legged puppy who is currently with SPCA.

She needs to take it from SPCA by tomorrow, 22/8/08 if not it would be put down. I would appreciate very much if you could help me on the matter since I have about 15 dogs with me currently.

Thank you,
anne0723   Apr 13th 2009 at 2:41AM
Hi Jamie,in reply to ur previous comment. (for every puppy bought, another life at the dog pound will die.......why not adopt from SPCA or PAWS? It is the soul that counts, not the look.)

I totally agree with you that more and more dogs r being abandoned nowadays, and we encourage ppl to adopt those dogs. But, it is a fact that human have desires... there was once a lady told me that, i should not breed and sell puppies because there r lots of abandoned mongrels need to rehome. I agree and would love to help as much as i can to rehome to strays but I told her a fact that, human will not stop loving and buying pure breed dogs. if home breeder like us stopped breeding and selling, there'll be no where to buy puppies. Thus, ppl will buy from pet shop and we know most of the pet shops r taking puppies from puppy farms/puppy mills for low priced pups. and we know how much the dogs living in puppy farms r suffering... i would say i rather to have more responsible breeders especially home breeders than more puppy farms being set up. Dun mean to offend ya, just share my opinion.

By the way, im helping a lady rehome a handicapped puppy she found in cheras. would appreciate if you could lend a hand. cuz ppl mind about the handicapped puppy and not interested in adopting her. thanks a lot
Eileen08   Dec 8th 2009 at 3:52PM
hi Jamie
Pls take the dog in and rehome it. Or it may get knocked by a car or get caught by dog catchers. Such a small dog like that is easily rehomed.

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