me? outdated heh?..hehe maybe.. but its all up to the customer..owhh yeah, i forgot...u all are in kay ell ..huhuhu.. Rubbish?..If I talk rubbish then why do u really care and have the time to read my profile..u are mad heh?..owhh may i know why?..nahh...dun answer me..i know why..nevermind..go and sell ur cats.. I wont say anything tho..but I will let the readers and the customers read tho.. And yeah, I dunno him..becuze I am in Georgetown , Penang Island for godness sake..seem like our breeders have differences in pricing wonder I get the emails coming from Kl..chaiyok kay ell..~~tata..-end- (^^)
me? outdated heh?..hehe maybe.. but its all up to the customer..owhh yeah, i forgot...u all are in kay ell ..huhuhu.. Rubbish?..If I talk rubbish then why do u really care and have the time to read my profile..u are mad heh?..owhh may i k… show more
me? outdated heh?..hehe maybe.. but its all up to the customer..owhh yeah, i forgot...u all are in kay ell ..huhuhu.. Rubbish?..If I talk rubbish then why do u really care and have the time to read my profile..u are mad heh?..owhh may i k… show more
me? outdated heh?..hehe maybe.. but its all up to the customer..owhh yeah, i forgot...u all are in kay ell ..huhuhu.. Rubbish?..If I talk rubbish then why do u really care and have the time to read my profile..u are mad heh?..owhh may i k… show more
me? outdated heh?..hehe maybe.. but its all up to the customer..owhh yeah, i forgot...u all are in kay ell ..huhuhu.. Rubbish?..If I talk rubbish then why do u really care and have the time to read my profile..u are mad heh?..owhh may i k… show more
me? outdated heh?..hehe maybe.. but its all up to the customer..owhh yeah, i forgot...u all are in kay ell ..huhuhu.. Rubbish?..If I talk rubbish then why do u really care and have the time to read my profile..u are mad heh?..owhh may i k… show more
yuya skang ade bela 13 ekor kucing, campo2. persian (7ekor),siam (3ekor) n kampung(3ekor). ye la, klu da bela byk2 ni tinggi kos die, makanan nak kena jaga, klu seko dah tak sihat, mula la yg lain pon join skali. treatment je da kaw2. norul ade jual cat yek. nak nengok :) yuya ni minat kucing gilak2! :)
yuya skang ade bela 13 ekor kucing, campo2. persian (7ekor),siam (3ekor) n kampung(3ekor). ye la, klu da bela byk2 ni tinggi kos die, makanan nak kena jaga, klu seko dah tak sihat, mula la yg lain pon join skali. treatment je da kaw2. nor… show more