Hi Nur, bukan Oren, but Oreo.:-) Btw, kena let go because dia tak get along with the other 2 cats. sayang sangat dengan dia but what to do...sedey! sob sob! Ops...I adopt Camaro and Horlick first then baru Oreo...
Owhh ok.. I actually dun quite understand..but nevermind.. that's the decision that you take..
I got mine for almost 2 years now and the last one came in 6 months ago..she would grumble if the last one comes near.. But then, finally they are licking each other.. No big deal for me tho.. The 3 of them are from different parents and different ages..but they dun kill each other..
Not getting along is more like a behavioral problem, something that can be overcome, by training or naturally .. but you chose the sad ending..