Hello! I'm so pleased that you've been calling some of the BY breeders and sellers to task. You clearly know your cat breeds and standards. I frequently look at some of the "Persians" and and "Maine Coons" for sale on PF and think "Yup, DLH," but I'm not an expert. Personally, I wish more people would adopt strays, but if they insist on buying pedigreed animals, at least buy from an honest seller... Thank you for challenging their claims!
Couldn't agree more about adopting REAL HHP strays; if only people would, rather than providing an outlet and encouragement for the kitten mill people and the )(*^*%& involved in the import/export pet shop trade.
If I don't know a bit about this after 40+ years as a judge, we've got a problem! And guess what - my cats are 3 x terribly successful Exotic SH and an 'accidental' black tortie SH HHP who's ugly as sin, but a great character and a baby in need at the time! She's my current bed cat.
I've campaigned against this pet/slave trade for a long, long time and am not about to give up now!