CLoo inf0rmation to u.. try search wikipedia poodle.!!:) bc0z many seller here,,cant b 2 straigth 4ward..if not kena shoot by c0mment,email !!!lolz nice to mit u and welc0me to PF!!!!
hi mr ch. U can try to look for poodle at ur area nearest spca. other than mongrels, there also pure breed and cross breed waiting to be adopt. be kind and saves innocent life from being suffer. good luck.
cLOO.CANT U C0NSIDER THE SPCA ???PLS THEY R S0 INNOCENT AND AB0NDAN RY 0WNER.dO U hav any frns )r u to b volunteer the pulau ketam dog rescue???godbLESS
B 4 yes 2 spca ampang,1 is mix breed shu tzu,1 is rotty,now in heaven coz i adopt them at quite 0ld age!!:( but they m0re obedient like we save their life.the Rotty s0 protective and kill by intruder!!!
i do agree with u. rottie is really protective to their owner. when i was small, my family rottie that we adopted also quite old age, got little blur already, also keeps our family save by fightng the phyton away. both died.