Hi Eileen, Sorry for my late reply.Was busy recently.I have adopt another dog already.Found in pet finder also.I'm not be able to take care for another doggy already.Since my new doggy is need a lot of attention while she still small.Anyway thanks...
hI Chee Hope u are well. How are Mimi and your other dog doing? sorry have been busy and havent found time to drop by. Do email me some of Mimi's picture if u can. take care.
Hi Eileen, Nice to hear from you.They are good.Minnie is on her medication now cause of her skin problem.Itch and very dry.Maybe she is too fat, so we are control her diet now.I will try to snap some picture and sent it to u by email.Can you provide me your email address. Hope u will can arrange some time soon to visit her,i think she is glad and happy if you visit her.Do give me a call when u free...
Sorry Sam has been adopted. There is another pup available, female white brown also very cute. If you keen, give me a call.