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Animal Lover

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Animal Lover

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Animal Lover

NameCat Charity Club (CCC)
JoinedApr 2012
LocationRawang, Selangor, Malaysia
OccupationCat Rescuer
ExperienceCat (10 Years)
Interested InRescuing Pets
An Animal Lover
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Cat Charity Club (CCC)
Rawang, Selangor.

Introduction of the Club:

Avy Wong is the organizer of the Cat Charity Club (CCC). She is an animal lover. She loves kittens and cats most. She would like to do some welfare for the kittens and cats in the country.

The fact is that nowadays, many irresponsible cat owners simply dump their kitten or cat when they no longer wanted to keep them. Some owners did not control the breeding of their cats until the number of the cats increase to oversize that they could not afford to keep them. These have caused serious stray problems in the country.

So, she decided to organize a Cat Charity Club in order to gather volunteers to contribute to the cat’s welfare. The plan has been started since April 2012.

Objectives of the Club:

-Gather animal lovers who share the same interest to join the cat’s welfare.
-Carry out a series of activities to increase the awareness of the society about stray problems in the country.
-Rescue more lives of kitten and cat from starvation, abuse, sickness and death.
-Remind the cat owners about their responsibility and commitment of keeping their cat.
-Emphasize the importance and advantages of neutering and spaying the cats in order to reduce stray cats in the neighborhood.
-Organize activities such as Cat Adoption Drive to find a home for the stray cats.

As the very first step of getting attention of the public, she organizes Cat Adoption Drive at Tesco Rawang and Tesco Bukit Beruntung occasionally.

Missions of the Cat Adoption Drive:

-Gather volunteers to join and run the activities of cat’s welfare.
-Find adopters for the kittens and cats that have been rescued, so that they could have a new home.
-Get volunteers to temporary foster the kittens and cats while looking for the new owners.
-Seek donation of the needs such as cat cages, carriers, foods, litter trays, cat sands, flea shampoos, medicine and etc for the use of the kittens and cats during foster period.
-Get sponsors for the medication fees and surgery cost of neutering and spaying cats.

Activities of the Cat Adoption Drive:

-Member Recruitment for the Cat Charity Club.
-Kittens or cats adoption by paying RM 50 adoption fee and RM 100 refundable deposit for neuter / spay surgery.
-Collection of the needs (cat cages, carriers, foods, litter trays, cat sands, flea shampoos, medicine and etc) for the use of the kittens and cats during the foster period.
-Provide consultation and advice for the adopters on how to take care of their cat.
-Assist cat owners on neutering / spaying their cat by providing delivery services to the veterinarian.
-Free photo session with the kittens and cats.

Date & Venue of the Cat Adoption Drive:

The date and venue of the Cat Adoption Drive will be announced from time to time via Facebook page Cat Charity Club.

All cat lovers are welcome to support the adoption drive. Together we can make the Cat Adoption Drive a successful activity in helping the stray cats.

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