hey, i have a small kitten which i rescued from the street about 2 months ago but i have to leave the country & i really have no one to give this kitten to.. the kitten is very obedient & cute. do you know anyone who can adopt him? please help me.
hi nabesh. sorry, they have already been reserved & will be taken end of this month. but if the new owner suddenly change his mind, i'll inform u. tq anyway :)
Hi Anne, my name is Joey. We just rescue 3 kittens that are 3 weeks old. but we're unable to foster/keep them due to our committment. We are currently looking for foster/new mom & dad home for them. Hope you can or may be able to foster them. Hope to hear from you soon!! Tq. Joey
Hi Anne, my name is Joey. We just rescue 3 kittens that are 3 weeks old. but we're unable to foster/keep them due to our committment. We are currently looking for foster/new mom & dad home for them. Hope you can or may be able to foster t… show more
Hi Anne, my name is Joey. We just rescue 3 kittens that are 3 weeks old. but we're unable to foster/keep them due to our committment. We are currently looking for foster/new mom & dad home for them. Hope you can or may be able to foster t… show more
they are about 5 months, and super cute! breaks my heart to let them go. really appreciate your help!
please email me at nadyaclumzzy at dot com. thanks dear! :)