Marissa: Bagi saya sume kucing comel! hehehe. Datin Bellanella: Buat masa ni, seronok ambil stray dan bela untuk adoption. Tapi kalau ada DLH ke, nak bela untuk sendiri. Hehehe. Cuma belum terjumpa DLH stray plak.
saya berminat dgan thomas.. sila hubungi di fon no di profile saya.. becoz.. i have i kitten 10month.. shes very boring.. dia nak ade kawan daa... leh adopt pada saya thomass...
Hi Azraf, nice to meet u here. I found a very beautiful orange kitten 2 weeks back. Been taking good care of him, he is loving and affectionate, poo poo in sand potty. Unfortunately I can't keep him - Do u mind to adopt this kitten or help me find him a home? ((urgently)) Please consider this cute angel and do visit my pet profile for more details. Thank you.
Hi Azraf, nice to meet u here. I found a very beautiful orange kitten 2 weeks back. Been taking good care of him, he is loving and affectionate, poo poo in sand potty. Unfortunately I can't keep him - Do u mind to adopt this kitten or hel… show more
Hi Azraf, nice to meet u here. I found a very beautiful orange kitten 2 weeks back. Been taking good care of him, he is loving and affectionate, poo poo in sand potty. Unfortunately I can't keep him - Do u mind to adopt this kitten or hel… show more