u dah pg gak yer.. they are really into trading.. kalau yer pun.. make sure lah all the cats tu terjaga.. semua nyer in one room.. sorry lah.. i memang x sampai hati tgk kucing2 tu.. rase nak borong jer semua kucing2 tu..
mmg. masa tu I nak tgk calico kittens dia. tapi dah tgk camtu I x sanggup. Ada gak terfikir nak beli to save the kittens tapi it means I will be supporting them. lagilah ligat. hmm bila I tgk kucing dia, taulah I camane dia dpt renovate rumah tu :p
lor.. i ingat.. i jer terpikir pasal the house.. hehe.. lucrative profit.. tp sayang all the cats dlm cage.. i sampai beli the cottage just to get all the cats to have their own house.. skrg baru beli satu.. kena beli lg lima.. sebab semua berebut2 nak duk dlm cottage tu... rase berbaloi gak.. sebab dia org suka kat cottage tu.. since i yg design the cottage.. so dpt harga murah.. at the same time i tlg market kan cottage tu..
lor.. i ingat.. i jer terpikir pasal the house.. hehe.. lucrative profit.. tp sayang all the cats dlm cage.. i sampai beli the cottage just to get all the cats to have their own house.. skrg baru beli satu.. kena beli lg lima.. sebab semua… show more
lor.. i ingat.. i jer terpikir pasal the house.. hehe.. lucrative profit.. tp sayang all the cats dlm cage.. i sampai beli the cottage just to get all the cats to have their own house.. skrg baru beli satu.. kena beli lg lima.. sebab semua… show more
lor.. i ingat.. i jer terpikir pasal the house.. hehe.. lucrative profit.. tp sayang all the cats dlm cage.. i sampai beli the cottage just to get all the cats to have their own house.. skrg baru beli satu.. kena beli lg lima.. sebab semua… show more
lor.. i ingat.. i jer terpikir pasal the house.. hehe.. lucrative profit.. tp sayang all the cats dlm cage.. i sampai beli the cottage just to get all the cats to have their own house.. skrg baru beli satu.. kena beli lg lima.. sebab semua… show more
lor.. i ingat.. i jer terpikir pasal the house.. hehe.. lucrative profit.. tp sayang all the cats dlm cage.. i sampai beli the cottage just to get all the cats to have their own house.. skrg baru beli satu.. kena beli lg lima.. sebab semua… show more
lor.. i ingat.. i jer terpikir pasal the house.. hehe.. lucrative profit.. tp sayang all the cats dlm cage.. i sampai beli the cottage just to get all the cats to have their own house.. skrg baru beli satu.. kena beli lg lima.. sebab semua… show more
lor.. i ingat.. i jer terpikir pasal the house.. hehe.. lucrative profit.. tp sayang all the cats dlm cage.. i sampai beli the cottage just to get all the cats to have their own house.. skrg baru beli satu.. kena beli lg lima.. sebab semua… show more
lor.. i ingat.. i jer terpikir pasal the house.. hehe.. lucrative profit.. tp sayang all the cats dlm cage.. i sampai beli the cottage just to get all the cats to have their own house.. skrg baru beli satu.. kena beli lg lima.. sebab semua… show more
i letak kat my indoor landscap kat umah i.. memang x der pintu pun cottage tu.. nanti kalau dah ade semua cottage.. then kena susun dlm bilik.. skrg pun.. boy suka tido dlm cottage tu..
salam amira... pasal u nye komen kat lyza cat house tu kan... i rasa u dah buat fitnah la.. tak baik tau fitnah fitnah org ..berdosa besar...lg besar dr membunuh... i beli byk kittens gan dia... semua dia vac n deworm... lau ada ringworm dia tolong jagakan kejap bg elok...lau demam dia tak kasi kat i dulu... dia jaga dulu... tmpat bersih...makanan semua royal canin( i tau sebab i pernah g tmpat dia.).... and plss henti sebarkan FITNAH... i bukan kawan dia i bukan saudara dia... i hanya manusia yg pernah berurusan dgn dia...and lagi satu, kucing2 tu last week i g tgk dah tinggal tak sampai 5..so kalau tak ada bukti jgn main tuduh org tu tak mampu jual semua kucing2 tu.. kalau u belajar undang2 u leh kena saman atas defamation...so next time pls use ur brain wisely so dat people will not think dat u are idiot with ur fatuous act...salam
salam amira... pasal u nye komen kat lyza cat house tu kan... i rasa u dah buat fitnah la.. tak baik tau fitnah fitnah org ..berdosa besar...lg besar dr membunuh... i beli byk kittens gan dia... semua dia vac n deworm... lau ada ringworm … show more