I have been brought up in a family who loves a pet. I rescued, adopt and took care of them like my own family. 4 years ago we rescued 2 kittens about 3 weeks old and now Peppy & Twiggy are one of our favourite daughters. And 2 years ago we rescued another 3 weeks old orange tabby, we named him GieGie and he is the joy of our life. The 4th one came to our house and they were about 5 months old, we called them Stuart and Jake. Unfortunately, Jake died on the night of the CNY probably was trying to hide when the neighbours were playing the 1-meter long firecrackers and got to hit and run by a car. At that time we were not able to get closer to Jake who would run away when we came closer unlike his brother Stuart. Now Stuart became our family members. All four cats are sleeping with us during the night and wake us up at 5:30 am everyday in the morning. We love them to the bit and wouldn't replace them with anything in this world.