Adopted a 5 months old stray kitten name Mercury ("Merkie") that melts my heart and broke my heart at the same time because being recently diagnosed with FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis).
Wishlist is to hope one day that there's a cure found for FIP (both dry & wet).
I'm a doglover but eversince adopting merkie, I have grown a very soft spots for both dogs AND cats nowadays.
I remember adopting Merkie during his first week, he must have been a very hungry and tired lil abandoned kitten before i met him. Because, seeing merkie sleeping peacefully tucked safe in the corner of my arms makes me feel GLAD that I've given this little buddy a home at last. He look so safe and assure knowing he's gotten food to eat and a place to sleep.
Merkie have passed away in May15. Currently, I've adopted another cat and given her a home.