Good day'! I'm seriously in love with dogs since 8 years ago when I was relocated to work in china. I've kept poodle, bichon and Maltese during these years. I've painful experience in the very beginning especially when I just bought the dogs from the china dogs market. Many of them are sick and need a lot of care and money. Seeing a vet in china is extremely expensive, not like here. I think it's a great exposure there, where u can really experience and learn to love life... Well, I'm only having a Maltese instead of my peak time of raising 5 dogs the same time. Now, I choose to give her a good life and best attention.
I wish to meet all the dog lovers and please share your experience and stories with me.
Sometimes I do help friends to post their puppies, but I DO NOT sell any puppies myself and my friends are not breeder.
Warmest regards, Abbie