Excuse me? you are actually looking at my age and telling me what to do? This place is open for everyone and it does not concern about age. You said that I have great imagination. What about you? When you mention that I should play at playground, does that mean you assume all kids play there? Please, how narrow minded are you? You were a kid once okay?
And if you are saying that I am busy answering people 'concern' you should look yourself at the mirror.You are going around asking people what's wrong about their dogs and question too. That makes you ,a busybody too if you are assuming like that.
Please do not look down on others just because they are young. You were once like that and its the experience that counts.
Thank you.
P/S: Oh, and if you are so concerned about the dog is spayed or not, what about just a call to the fosterer? It's better than just waiting here waiting for others to reply you back. Just my 2 cents.
Dear King David,
Excuse me? you are actually looking at my age and telling me what to do? This place is open for everyone and it does not concern about age. You said that I have great imagination. What about you? When you mention that I sho… show more