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4 Pets, Rescuer

Adopter, Animal Lover

NameSheralyn Lisa
JoinedAug 2011
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
ExperienceCat (12 Years)
Dog (8 Years)
Fish (2 Years)
Interested InRescuing Pets
An Animal Lover
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I love animals all my life and will till my last breath..Love for animals gives me a pleasure like no other..Ever since I was born till this day, my home was always filled with pets..my grandparents to my parents and me all inherited the love and attachment 2 our pets..mainly dogs and cats but I have also had experiance with Rabbits, Fishes, Birds and also saved a baby Bat that fell out a tree and tried nurturing it back to good health but unfortunetly it's days on earth were 2 short for God loved Lucky the bat more..anyway besides dogs and cats which dont have a choice and have 2 share their space with us..I strongly believe that other animals should b free 2 live their God given nature and never was happy with the idea of holding them in captivity..I had many dogs and cats along the way..That were always strays i and my brother would rescue and bring home or if we could not keep we would send 2 the SPCA or find homes..My 2 cats just turned 12years old and my beloved Dog 7years which has gone missing and im looking for with much hope..to see any animal being tortured, abused or even run over by a vehicle brings tears to my eyes and a feeling of unbearable pain and anger..My passion for animals especialy dogs and cats is beyond words as i can easily relate 2 their feelings and have a bond like as though we spoke the same language..these helpless animals only can depend on us as a child depends on its mother but the loyalty and love of an animal goes way beyond that of mankind and thus the saying "Mens best friend" indeed applies perfectly..In these days having a pet by ourside keeps us sane amidst all the insanity..My dream has always to become a very powerful ambassador or spokesperson for the rights of animals, educating and making aware to the people the importance of protecting and loving this helpless creatures..For God created all beings maybe sumwhat diffrent but 1 thing that makes us the same and keeps us alive is the beat of the Heart and our breath..

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