Hi sorry to see your cat sufferred from sporo deasea. my cat had sporo deasea 1 year ago. I treated him with liquid medicine given by my vet and he is now healthy. The medicine cost RM200.00 it took 4 months for my cat to fully recover.
Hi, it is good that your cat is fully recovered. But Blackey didn't make it..She died last month at the vet's clinic (during boarding for sporo desease). Everyone tried hard to make it happen. God bless sweet Blackey, RIP.
I feel sad for your blackey. My condolence to you and my prayers go out to blackey; pray that she is in a better place; a place of calm and peace with no danger...hopefully, you too will come to accept her fate. The medicine if given constantly and at early stage is quite helpful.
I feel sad for your blackey. My condolence to you and my prayers go out to blackey; pray that she is in a better place; a place of calm and peace with no danger...hopefully, you too will come to accept her fate. The medicine if given cons… show more