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12 Pets, Rescuer

1 Pet, Rescuer


Rescuer, Animal Lover

1 Pet, Animal Lover

NameAnna Anna
JoinedDec 2008
LocationMelaka, Melaka, Malaysia
ExperienceDog (20 Years)
Fish (15 Years)
Interested InAn Animal Lover
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Currently own 1 brat dog, Bugzilla, and 1 attention seeking hopping monster Raynee. Well, technically Raynee is my Dad's dog, but he says its Moms, but whatever, I'm still the one taking care of them both :P And she likes me more, cuz I feed her! heheh

I love dogs, have always had one around since I was 10? or something. Scamp was the oldest dog we ever had, from when I was 12 till now. 17 years. He recently passed away and now Bugs is alone after being with Scamp, and Muffin (who passed away 3 years ago). But Bugs is now no longer alone since we've adopted Rayne (with Bugs approval). Sometimes though, Rayne confuses Bugs because she is soo hyper and Bugs hasn't been hyper for a long time

Kittens grow into cats, and puppies grow into dogs. Remember that before you buy or adopt

Sashy's Pets

Raynee, 21 Yrs
Owner's Pet

Bugs, 25 Yrs
Owner's Pet

Page: 1 2 3    50 Comments
chino   May 21st 2009 at 5:02PM
Dont worry Sashi i copy map 4 ppl at reply mail ready.Her name Charllotte frm selang0r.the other philip i think he is mat salleh:)hope it works Dear Sashy..for those caging p00r d0ggy!!!
Will ask adopter to Go directly to spca!!
Sashy   May 21st 2009 at 6:51PM
Great news :)
baca882004   May 24th 2009 at 7:46AM
Hi Sashy :

I bring Sally to groomer once every 2-3 months. But the face area, I will trim. Especially the mouth area and eye area. Makes it tidier.

The rest of the body, I leave to the groomer to do.
Sashy, I just told the groomer that I did a bad job chopping-off Sally's hair at the top. Then she said "If long, you can tie up the front mah". I went and slap my forehead. So ya, if difficult to groom, just tie up. But still need to trim mouth area.
OK. So U more experienced than me in the grooming area. Anyways, Sally's hair is bady chopped at the top. So am waiting for it to grow back 8P
"My grooming experience involves wrestling the dog still, grabbing bunches of fur, and chopping it off :/ "

Hei! Same here!! I think must be universal home-grooming technique.
MinceToiletPaper   Jun 10th 2009 at 5:53PM
Hi Sashy,
Wonder how do you look like, cannot see your face
Sashy   Jun 11th 2009 at 8:04AM
Thats the idea, kekeke
Judy   Jun 13th 2009 at 12:50PM
Helo Sashy;-] Thanks! for your little note,you can see more of Candy in the Orphan profile,i just reccue 3 kittens.You have a handful yourself;)keep up the good Work
PuppyWanted   Jun 17th 2009 at 12:01PM
TQ for the info u provided in my profile. i appreciate that. are you going to spca this weekends? Is it possible for you to upload the latest pic of them as I would like to take a look at them and their current size ? Hope that doesn't create too mch inconvenience to u
Judy   Jun 18th 2009 at 9:30PM
:)giggles! Mett does look like one dog i use to know.Did you find anyone yet to adopt him?Same as Ipoh,here only allow to have 2 dogs also.But for bigger house one able to keep more dogs.
irena6300   Jun 19th 2009 at 2:14PM
all this i know..i always take care my pets..js they ..arghh!i dunno wat to say..we dun use to slowly talk..my dad and mum also arguing most the time..i dunno sometime they are thinking wat
PuppyWanted   Jul 22nd 2009 at 10:54PM
I have been fostering the pup for a few weeks already. I feel like i'm bonded with the little pup hehe. I think i gonna tell my fren that i jst gonna take the pup with me. But, he's quite naughty. He always barks when he's in cage. He's left in the cage in the car porch. Sometimes, he will not bark. When he knows there's someone in the house, he'll barks hoping someone will release him out from cage. He will start barking early in the morning and sometime night. when he sees people in the house with door opened, he starts barking and once close the door, he continue barking. when he sees ppl standing near and looking at him, then he stops. How can i train him? I can't release him to run everywhere in the car porch for now as he'll bite and ruin all my plants and everything... i once read a book that to stop a pup from barking is to go near and make him bark then use food to stop him from barking.. but once i walk near him, he would already stop barking. How do i train him stop barking?
Judy   Sep 1st 2009 at 1:49PM
I've just email you thru Petfinder;))
PuppyWanted   Oct 22nd 2009 at 11:54AM
URGENT : The local authority for my house is DBKL and I live in intermediate terrace house. I've 2 local mongrels currently. I got a notice from DBKL asking me to reduce the number from 2 to 1. I think it's the neightbour that went to DBKL to complain. I went to DBKL and they said intermediate terrace in KL can only keep 1 dog. Please advise me on what should I do to keep my 2 lovely dogs. I can't afford to let one of them go. Please ... Please .... Please !!!
jocelyntam   Mar 11th 2010 at 8:35PM
now i knw how Sashy looks like~ kekeke
Sashy   Mar 11th 2010 at 10:43PM
shaveen24   Apr 22nd 2010 at 10:13AM
dear anna, can you foster a small sized spits doggie? i rescued her from streets few days ago, boarded her at local vet,but too expensive to extend boarding. spca melaka said no more space for new one. duno what to do, can u help? i've posted it petfinder http://www.petfinder.my/pets/11462 and facebook too. thanks
lilychya   Oct 3rd 2010 at 11:21PM
Hello Sashy,

Please help. Need adopter for my puppy.
Have to move out as landlord is selling this house. Will be moving into apartment. I am a university student graduating in less than 1 year.


Your help is highly appreciated. >.<
I am in binds.

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