I like animals and since childhood, I’ve always had pets of some kind. I’ve taken care of cats, dogs, hamsters and a wide range of other animals. Sometimes, they’ve taken care of me. I recently became friends with a parrot I decided to call Tim. He’s been living with me for several months now.
Tim adopted me after we met at the Parrot Rescue Center, where I work. We rescue animals but in his own way, Tim has rescued me. I think I was starting to get a little bored with my daily routine and since I am so fond of animals, it was hard getting along without that sort of companionship after my dog, Tequila, died. Tim’s antics never cease to amaze me and his curiosity inspires me to look at the world with fresh eyes I started working in Adorable Parrot Pet store back when I was in college. I had an older friend back then who had several parrots and when they died, the birds had nowhere to go. The parrots went to a center where they were first fostered then eventually adopted by a loving family. I eventually started volunteering at that shelter. After I moved to where I live now, I began volunteering at this one. Website: adorableparrots.blogspot.com Address: Lot PT 1544 & PT Jalan Sultan Mohamad, Kuala Terengganu 21000, Malaysia