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NameEmma Sara C
JoinedOct 2021
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Interested InAdopting Pets
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I’m hoping to adopt a dog which breed is a great companion to old folk.

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KennyOoi   Jan 27th 2022 at 10:42PM
Hi Emma. Are u still looking for a golden retriever? I may have one. She is 3 years old, dewormed & vaccinated but not neutered. If u are keen, contact me at +60 1139 thanks.
SaraC   Jan 28th 2022 at 5:34PM
Hi Kenny, thanks for reaching out to me. I believe you found me by my comment on another golden retriever Timmy’s post. I also noticed you recently adopted Luna following the trace of comments on your profile. May I first ask why you’re giving away after just a short 1 month? And not neutered and spayed yet? Is there any issue with Luna? Not trying to question but I’m finding one as a companion for an elderly in the family, so just wanna make sure the dog is healthy. Thanks heaps :) Sara
KennyOoi   Jan 28th 2022 at 6:33PM
Hey Sara.. No problem and i welcome all answers as i try my best to be as transparent as possible.

i. I adopted Luna from Sheena and took her in on last year during winter solstice.
ii. Based on the report card that Sheena shared, Luna's one and only vaccine was done back in 2018 and there wasn't any since. In early January this year I took her to the vet and she is in still very good shape. Very active as well.
iii. Reason Sheena didn't neuter her at the beginning was because at that time she felt it was inhumane to do so. Hence she has given me the permission to do so if I wish to proceed.
iv. Luna is about full 3 years old now and I have just had her to restart her vaccination. Her second vaccination would be early February as well and have had her start taking HeartGuard.
v. It was more of a rescue mission as I wasn't Sheena's first choice to let me adopt Luna at first. When the previous owner (only took her in for 3 days) had some fraud issues, Sheena was afraid of Luna's safety hence contacted me next. I took her in and had been lovingly care for her ever since.
vi. Initially I thought I can have a dog but as the days goes by I feel that I may not be a suitable owner. There are a lot of emotional factors that has been placed into her and I have grown quite attached to her, but I fear the deeper I get, I may not be able to handle it if ever come a day I might lose her (for whatever reason it may be).
vii. She loves going to walks and has a lot of zoomies when I come back to the house. Loves to be pat at the neck area and always gives her paw to signal you to continuously pet her.

I hope the above is clear and feel free to contact me as well at my mobile no: .

TBH: I feel really bad if Luna goes through another owner again but I think its for the best of both parties.. Its no rush to give Luna out as I will still care for her until a suitable owner comes along.
I will be away for CNY and only back to KL on 3rd February. If you wish to see Luna in person, you may find me too. thank you.
SaraC   Jan 28th 2022 at 11:50PM
Somehow your number doesn’t appear in the chat. But I’ll take your number from your chat with Sheena on your profile.

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