salam, shanim...i've just read ur message..thank u so much for taking care of neemo...n yes i did cry that day eventhough jage neemo sekejap son n my helper r also very sad...barang2 neemo dah siap beli except the sangkar .itu khabie lost pet 5 years ago. selalu every morning ader neemo kacau2 but now we have no one to play with. we are very excited to c neemo..once we r in kota kemuning we'll come n pay u a visit .insyAllah weekend ke.. i'll give u a call dulu ye.. thank u so much.
salam, shanim...i've just read ur message..thank u so much for taking care of neemo...n yes i did cry that day eventhough jage neemo sekejap son n my helper r also very sad...barang2 neemo dah siap beli except the sangkar .itu k… show more
salam, shanim...i've just read ur message..thank u so much for taking care of neemo...n yes i did cry that day eventhough jage neemo sekejap son n my helper r also very sad...barang2 neemo dah siap beli except the sangkar .itu k… show more
salam, shanim...i've just read ur message..thank u so much for taking care of neemo...n yes i did cry that day eventhough jage neemo sekejap son n my helper r also very sad...barang2 neemo dah siap beli except the sangkar .itu k… show more
salam, shanim...i've just read ur message..thank u so much for taking care of neemo...n yes i did cry that day eventhough jage neemo sekejap son n my helper r also very sad...barang2 neemo dah siap beli except the sangkar .itu k… show more
hai shanim....aku da baca message ko....hehhe tu la psl..mahal ekk...kat jB ade maine coon....3k die bg....aku da tanye....utk breeding die jual start 5.5K....ko bukak la
shanim...i've just read ur message..thank u so much for taking care of neemo...n yes i did cry that day eventhough jage neemo sekejap son n my helper r also very sad...barang2 neemo dah siap beli except the sangkar .itu khabie lost pet 5 years ago. selalu every morning ader neemo kacau2 but now we have no one to play with. we are very excited to c neemo..once we r in kota kemuning we'll come n pay u a visit .insyAllah weekend ke.. i'll give u a call dulu ye.. thank u so much.