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Rescuer, Animal Lover

7 Pets, Fosterer

NameChris W
JoinedMay 2013
LocationSg Long, Selangor, Malaysia
ExperienceDog (8 Years)
Cat (1 Year)
Interested InAn Animal Lover
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I suddenly became a cat rescuer 1.5 yrs ago when my nasty neighbor threatened to throw them out. I first rescued 3, neutered 2 but it was too late. The 3rd cat became pregnant at 7 mths old, and now I have 4 kittens. 7 now in a custom made cage. I rescued another when he was 2 mths old. Smoky is indoor with my dog, Tiger. Outside my porch there are another 3 adult cats, Mummy (spayed), StepMa (difficult to trap) and Bushy Tail (the one making all these babies. He was abandoned by a resident who moved out). I need HELP, pls. Step Ma has a 4 mth old kitten, Squirrel. (Update: 12 July 13 :- 3 kittens have been thrown away by opposite neighbor, 1 missing, only 1 kitten left, but has been adopted by a nice lady who kept me informed on how the kitten and her family are getting along. So nice of her).

My fervent wish is for the 7 cats now, temporarily in a no kill shelter in SG BULOH, in a custom made cage (7ft x 5 ft x 4ft) to be rehomed together as they are very close to each other. I have ailing parents to care for, and so can't afford the time for them all, besides having cat haters in my neighbourhood. I may have to move house too as I hated my neighbor for being so unkind to these cats.
I will miss them so much, and am really torn having to give them away one day, or having to release them back into a safe place. The stress of parting from them is so great, I feel like bursting. But I had to think of my parents who will need me more than ever as time is not in their favour.

Smoky, Ivory, Papa, Hello (all have been neutered and spayed) and the 3 kittens...... I will miss you all..... I will visit you all if your potential adopters allow me to.

Update:- 13 July'13.......... I took Smoky back from the shelter as he missed me so much. He has been traumatised and is very clingy now. Always wanting to be with me, and meowing constantly.....poor Smoky. If Smoky feels this way about being in the shelter, what about the others? Papa, Ivory, Hello and the 3 kittens? They must be praying for someone to help them out. It is a very distressing thought...... When I visited them at the shelter last Wednesday, Papa was pawing at the grille, wanting to get out. Ivory was meowing constantly while looking at me. Hello didn't want to see me. She was hiding in a box inside the cage. I was heartbroken.......

I just can't stop thinking of them, and looking at the photos I took of them just makes it worse. How can someone miss cats so much? Only cat lovers will understand this misery...... Who can help them or me out?

Update:- 30/7/13
I was so heartbroken to find out that my beloved cats, 4 of them have died. My plan to bring them back home is too late. Tooooooo late!!!!

PplRMean's Pets


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