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Animal Lover

1 Pet, Animal Lover

NameNaeema Gari
JoinedDec 2009
LocationTaman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
OccupationGraphic Designer - Photographer - Fine arts artist
ExperienceCat (15 Years)
Hamster (5 Years)
Reptile (2 Years)
Interested InRescuing Pets
Providing Foster Home
Adopting Pets
An Animal Lover
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I'm the kinda person who will help any stray animal in need. If there's a cat/dog who's badly injured I will take them to a vet, nurse them back to health, and put them up for adoption. Since I'm really busy these days, I cant really help them so much as I use to. I feed the strays when their around, and put them up for adoption, and hope someone will give them the life they deserve.

I really don't care what is beautiful and what's not, after all, they are animals and need love and someone to care for them. I hate the idea of people buying animals. Look around you! Instead of spending thousands on cats or dogs, care for the ones around you [Strays]! They need your help too!

Some people who actually claim they love cats, but they want those exotic looking ones, and when they see a poor starving stray cat they kick or throw something at them. WTF? HELP The poor thing, you were saying you love cats! Ain't that poor starving creature a cat too? DISGUSTING!

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Share your comments here18 Comments
julaet   Dec 10th 2009 at 5:02PM
Hi. Nice to meet you here. :)
neems   Dec 11th 2009 at 12:22AM
Hi Zahra, Nice to meet you here too. :)

Shiela, This Persian cat needs a lot of attention and someone who is experienced with a Persian cat. She's still weak and in shock and needs someone who is absolutely free to care for her.
deanil   Dec 11th 2009 at 12:49AM
hi.. the cat is so adorable.. i would love to adopt the persian.. i have few other persian in my house..
Fareen   Dec 11th 2009 at 10:10AM
Hi Neems, just an opinion yea.

Its definitely cud be a bit overwhelming to receive such a response on a cat. And it's really normal for a longhair cat let alone this cat tht definitely looks Persian:)

Whilst putting an adoption fee may fend off impulsive adopters, I think what's best is for you to get these future adopters to email you some background on themselves and for you to inform specific requirements in order for them to adopt this cat eg experienced Persian owners only, must be working etc etc. If u refer a pet profile of a longhair cat named Puteh, thts a very good example on how the owner dealt with this situation.

You can screen the applicants via email and once shortlisted, meet them in person and you can visit the persons home if u want. Depends in how particular you are. Caring for Persians is really not a joke :)

I think if you could do tht, this cat would be better assured of receiving a wonderful, loving home.

Good luck :)
neems   Dec 11th 2009 at 12:30PM
Hi Fareen, Thanks for the heads up.

I'm very busy at the moment with studies and work. I'm doing the best I can. As for the adoption fee, a vet, and a friend of mine suggested it was the best thing to do. I would probably use the adoption fee for cat food and donate to SPCA. But, I am trying to make time to meet people and visit their homes. But looking at my daily schedule, It's nearly impossible. And it seems so hard to choose someone to adopt her. This is the first time I'm actually doing this. It might take longer to find someone than I thought. Emailing a person for information on their experiences with cats, etc, is not enough. Everyone is going to say anything to impress me. There's more than 20 people now interested in adopting her. Pet-finder is not the only site I get response from, but the posters I put up, other websites, etc. So emailing 20 or more people one by one is really hard. I have other things to do. I give so much time to this cat now, that most of my work and assignments are not done when it should be.
Anyway, Thanks again for the advice.
Fareen   Dec 11th 2009 at 1:01PM
no probs Neems. Unfortunately this is what u have to go through when you put a longhair cat for adoption. there will be tremendous response as ure experiencing now! try put up a normal shorthair stray cat for adopt. The response will be lukewarm to none stimes:(
getting them to email u is first round of screening cos I'm sure u can't afford to meet ALL who call. Stimes from experience you can tell a genuine person from a fake one from emails or phone. but definetely a face to face meet is important.

this may take time if ure very particular. I suggest dun rush it. enjoy the cat and get to know her first if u have time. her behaviour will stimes help u choose the best adopter. eg if u see she's easily scared and jittery, a household with small kids may not be best.

Minimal adoption fee prob is ok in this case. And neutering is important. btw, u may find some ppl backing out when u say u want to neuter the cat :)

keep us updated on progress ya.

btw, where r u from?
LailAl   Dec 11th 2009 at 9:48PM
doo doo
Acqua   Dec 14th 2009 at 4:34PM
u have so many cats..
ur kind..
it really feel good to know that some do care the strays..

misHbeRry   Dec 18th 2009 at 7:36PM
hi neem..im berry from kedah. im looking for somebody to take care my cat since i will further my studies. BUt i put her under for adoption but if could i dont to give away...jz looking somebody to take care it. i love her very much...im so strees rite now..+ my family not supporting me at all to have pets starting im rescuing them the last 4 month.But im try to ignore them because i can't imagine they straying. my studies not taken too long...its just a year...after that i will take them back. But i dont know where i will find that 'somebody'?? huhu...help me... =(
Animaluver   Jan 10th 2010 at 5:31AM
Could you pls upload pics of momo and moki?
neems   Jan 11th 2010 at 1:11PM
Hi, already did. But They are not for adoption. :)
Animaluver   Jan 12th 2010 at 5:09PM
if you are interested in esme, please email me
Hi Neems, i also cant post my email i will tell you what to do.You press the ' messenger',then put the Verification Code than you will see my email.
pandabear88   Feb 21st 2010 at 2:59AM
hi neems, i just sent you a e-mail.please read it.
neems   Mar 3rd 2010 at 9:30AM
Panda bear, I did not get an email from you.

Isshah, My friend translated what you said, Thank you for your kind words. :)
pandabear88   Mar 23rd 2010 at 6:07PM
hi neems, i just sent you a e-mail.please read it.if you didn't get it, i will resend to you again.
neems   Mar 24th 2010 at 3:48PM
Sorry Pandabear, no email from you. What's in the email?
Night   Jul 9th 2011 at 8:07AM

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